School Leadership

The Head Teacher acts as the leading professional in a school and as an officer in the local authority. The Head Teacher also plays a pivotal role within the broader childrens services network. Head Teachers lead the whole school community in order to establish, sustain and enhance a positive ethos and culture of learning through which every learner is able to learn effectively and achieve their potential.

Standards for Leadership and Management (2012)

3.1       Preparing For Headship (PFH)

Course Objectives

Preparing For Headship aims to support promoted teachers as they continue their journey in educational leadership. Following on from the Introduction to Leadership & Management (ILM), this course aims to further develop the skills of experienced school leaders who have aspirations towards senior school leadership positions by picking up on a number of issues with the common themes of developing influence and preparing for headship. It aims to:

  • Provide participants with the opportunity to reflect and consider the place and value of Scottish Education in society today, through reading, discussion and dialogue.
  • Provide participants with an understanding of the key components for improving Scottish schools and the legislative framework within which schools operate.
  • Consider the competing demands on a Headteacher’s time and to consider the tension between the differing styles of leadership that are needed.
  • Give participants the opportunity to reflect on their own vision and values in education as they consider headship and then communicate that vision to an audience.

Who is it for?

This course is aimed at middle leaders who are considering applying for Into Headship or who wish to learn more about school leadership. There is a clear expectation that participants will have completed ILM and have the support of their Headteacher.

Course Organisation

There is no practical project element to the course however we will ask you to bring school-based examples to back up your reading. The focus of the five sessions will be on discussion and debate, culminating in an opportunity for you to present your ‘Vision for Education’. As leaders of the future, you may now be thinking about what kind of Headteacher you would be, and what kind of school you would lead; the next five sessions gives you the space and the support to work this through. A reading list for this course will be circulated in advance.

Session Topic    Date Location
1 Opening Keynote – Margo Williamson Wed 23 Nov 2016 4.30pm-6.30pm Room A Bruce House
2 Leading School Improvement Wed 11 Jan 2017 4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
3 The Professional Life of a Headteacher Wed 1 Feb 2017  4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
4 Knowing Yourself Better; Vision, Values & Beliefs Wed 1 Mar 2017  1.30pm-4.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
5 Presentations – Your Vision for Education Thu 16 Mar 2017 9.00am-1.00pm Rooms A/B Angus House

3.2       Into Headship (IH)

The Into Headship qualification ran for the first time in 2015-16. It will become mandatory from session 2018-19 that all new Head Teachers have a headship qualification. We would now like to invite applications from suitably experienced teaching staff to join this programme which will be delivered through a partnership with the University of Dundee. This year, 150 fully funded places have been made available nationally for this programme.

It aims to enable candidates to:

  • develop and deepen the ability to critically reflect and enquire to enhance their strategic leadership practice
  • develop their strategic leadership and management skills in practice as specified by the Standard for Headship in Scotland
  • build and apply sound knowledge and understanding of strategic leadership and management practice and theory in the context of the role of Head Teacher
  • design and initiate a strategic change initiative which will strengthen the school’s capability for improvement to,
  • meet the Standard for Headship

The Into Headship Qualification consists of two courses or modules and the programme structure relates to the phases of strategic change. The emphasis is on addressing a whole school strategic issue. Participants will be expected to build a vision for longer term change to address this issue. Working with stakeholders, participants will then develop and initiate a strategic plan for long term change and undertake an interim evaluation. This evaluation will highlight progress and identify next steps towards sustainable school improvement.

To qualify to apply, you must be able to evidence the following minimum criteria:

  • Full registration with the GTCS,
  • Demonstration of experience of significant leadership practice as appropriate in their sector context,
  • Endorsement/sponsorship by their employer
  • A supportive reference from their Head Teacher/employer,
  • Access to a suitable work environment in order to be able to undertake the practice-based components of the programme,
  • Demonstration of readiness/potential for headship within the next 2/3 years.

The course will be led by one of our partner Universities and will consist of a year long commitment equivalent to 60 credits.

Further information will be available later in the session. Completed applications should be returned by May 2017 for entry to the 2017-18 cohort. Selection interviews will be held in June 2017.

3.3       Senior Leadership Professional Learning (SLPL)

Programme Objectives

Senior Leadership Professional Learning is a discrete set of professional learning opportunities that aim to support the development of senior school leaders and those aspiring to school leadership. The sessions support the development of the Key Actions of Headteachers, namely:

  • Establish, sustain and enhance the culture of self-evaluation for school improvement;
  • Develop staff capability, capacity and leadership to support the culture and practice of learning;
  • Ensure consistent high quality teaching and learning for all learners;
  • Build and sustain partnerships with learners, families and relevant partners to meet the identified needs of all learners;
  • Allocate resources effectively in line with identified strategic and operational priorities.

Who is it for?

Each of the sessions is open to all teaching staff but they may be of particular interest to those in school leadership positions (HT, DHT) or middle leaders aspiring to those positions.

Programme Organisation

The programme consists of a number of discrete sessions and self-directed study through the Angus Council Always Learning portal. Participants should select the sessions most appropriate for their professional learning. There is no expectation that participants should attend all sessions.

Session Topic    Date Location
1 SEEMIS Thu 15 Sep 2016 1.30pm – 4.00pm Rooms B/C Bruce House
2 CLR & SSR Procedures / Models of ES Inspection Thu 20 Oct 2016 4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Bruce House
3 LAC Guidelines Training Thu 10 Nov 2016 4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Bruce House
4 Working Time Arrangements  Thu 24 Nov 2016 4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
5 Managing Professional Update & Professional Learning Tue 23 Feb 20164.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
6 Sensitive Issues Tue 28 Feb 2017 4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
7 GIRFEC – Legislative Framework Thu 23 Mar 2017  4.30pm-6.30pm Rooms A/B Angus House
8 Leading a Restorative School Wed 26 April 2017 4.30pm – 6.30pm Rooms A/B Bruce House

Organisational Development facilitate courses for all Angus Council Employees. The following courses are recommended for those undertaking the Senior Leadership Professional Learning strand. They can be booked by contacting Organisational Development at

Session Topic    Date
3 hour workshop Managing Absence Various
3 hour workshop Successful Recruitment Various

The Angus Council Always Learning site contains a wealth of online courses. The following courses are recommended for those undertaking the Senior Leadership Professional Learning strand. They can be accessed through the Education Intranet Links menu. If there are any issues accessing any of the e-learning packages, please contact Organisational Development for assistance at

Session Topic    Date
eLearning Financial Management – Putting a Budget Together

(to book a place email

As required
eLearning Financial Management – Preparing for the Financial Year End

(to book a place email

As required
eLearning Financial Management – Managing a Budget

(to book a place email

As required
eLearning Protecting People As required
eLearning Time Management and You / Time Management

(to book a place email

As required


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