Do Our Buildings Impact on Attainment and Achievement?

posted by Elaine Hughes, Service Manger, Performance

We are currently working to develop our school investment strategy, considering our teaching and learning environments. The strategy will cover a period of up to 30 years broken down over the next 3 – 5 years, 10 years  and 25 – 30 years. This is an ambitious and exciting project and we are keen to get input from as many people as possible.

The links below lead to articles in Psychology Today which assert that the state, and design of our schools can impair the performance of learners.

I’d love to know what you think about the attached blog entries and how you think it relates to us in Angus.


2 thoughts on “Do Our Buildings Impact on Attainment and Achievement?

  1. Thank you for posting this. It would also be interesting to read some research on the impact of open plan classrooms and schools on children’s learning and wellbeing.


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