E-Safety Masterclass – 7 September

posted by Rodger Hill, Service Manager, Schools and Learning

I am very pleased to advise that we have launched an e-safety masterclass in Edinburgh on 7th September. The aim of this masterclass is to provide a better understanding of e-Safety responsibilities; including up-to-the-minute advice on Prevent Duty compliance and practical guidance on how to be proactive, not reactive in the management and escalation of safeguarding incidents.

We would love for you to join us, completely free of charge, by registering here; http://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/e-safety-masterclass-understanding-your-safeguarding-obligations-edinburgh-tickets-24834063352?aff=erelexpmlt

There are a limited number of places available so if you’re available and it sounds of interest, I would recommend registering at the first opportunity.

Sophie Bell
Regional Sales Manager
Office : +44 113-205-9756
Head Office : Avalon, 1 Savannah Way, Leeds, LS10 1AB, United Kingdom
Telephone: UK: +44 870-199-9500 US: +1 800-959-3760

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