Digital Learning Week at Forfar Academy

Posted by Pamela Irving, PT Business and Computing Education, Forfar Academy

Monday 16 May to Friday 20 May 2016 saw the annual focus on the benefits of digital learning in schools across Scotland.   Forfar Academy was no different with a focus on programming skills for all our S1- 3 pupils. 

The week kicked-off with an active S1 Assembly highlighting the national drive to encourage our young people to develop programming and coding skills and introducing the new BBC Micro:bit computer.  All S1 pupils will be issued with their very own BBC Micro:Bit computer which is designed to inspire a generation of coders.  The Micro:Bit itself is a circuit board measuring just 50×40 mm with two buttons and an array of 25 red LEDs, which can be coded to do a variety of tasks including flashing up numbers, letters and scrolling messages on the LEDs.  Plus, since there’s a built-in accelerometer and compass, it can detect movement and tell which way it’s pointing. The possibilities are endless!

Also during Digital Learning Week every pupil from S1- S3 took part in the global ‘Hour of Code’ challenge and received a certificate for participation and each day the Library’s ‘Word of the Day’ was also a coding related term.  

During the following weeks pupils from S1 will received a further period of programming in ICT and Technical Education, using their coding skills to create a game and control a robotic car using the Micro:bit computer. 

We hope that having a focus on Digital Learning in school has opened up pupils imaginations to the vast opportunities that technology can bring to enhance their learning, the potential career pathways it can offer and the rich variety of skills that it can develop in our students.  Pupils and staff are looking forward to using more and more technology in the new Community Campus opening in February 2017. 

 Today pupils might be using technology but tomorrow they will be the ones creating it!

 Check out the link below to watch a short overview of Digital Learning Week @ Forfar Academy.


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