Childcare Needs Across Angus

posted by Directorate, Angus Council

We need your views to shape childcare in Angus – Angus Council

We’re looking to identify the supply and demand of childcare services and the extent to which parents’ needs are currently being met across the county.

Please help us to ensure that there is sufficient and appropriate childcare in the county by completing the appropriate questionnaire for you:

Childcare Providers: Have your say

Childcare Staff: Have your Say

Childminders: Have your say

Childcare in Angus (parents and carers): Have your say

Under the Children and Young People Act (Scotland) 2014 it is the statutory duty of Scottish local authorities to ensure sufficient childcare for day care and out of school care. The council is required to measure this by consulting, preparing and publishing their plans for how they intend to provide this care.

Paper copies of the survey will be available in libraries across Angus and from Angus House, Forfar. Members of the public visiting Angus House are asked to request copies to beforehand.

The survey will take place from 20 May to 3 June.


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