Children’s Parliament – giving ideas a voice

posted by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer – Schools and Learning


We are very busy at the moment, with different projects running in several communities across Scotland.  to keep track of all this activity we have taken to the blogosphere!  Check out our current blogs, spread th word, and tweet us with http://@Creative_Voices


StreetsAhead Tranent

Throughout the Year of Innovation, Architecture and Design 2016, StreetsAhead Tranent is exploring children’s views and experiences of their local community and built environment; examining how these factors impact on children’s rights and wellbeing.

Visit the StreetsAhead Tranent blog to keep up to date with all the latest from the project:

StreetsAhead Tranent is supported by East Lothian Council, Historic Scotland, Festival of Architecture, Heritage Lottery Fund, Tranent Conservation Area Regeneration Scheme, East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership.


Imagining Aberdeen

Three hundred children from Bramble Brae PrimaryManor Park PrimaryRiverbank Primary and Tullos Primary are Imagining Aberdeen as a place where children are healthy, happy and safe. Children have been considering life in the community, at home and at school and exploring the idea of human dignity. Soon 20 of these children – our Imagineers – will take part in a Mural Project which captures children’s vision for the city.

Visit the Imagining Aberdeen blog to keep up to date with all the latest from the project:

Imagining Aberdeen is supported by Aberdeen City Council.


Children’s Parliament Investigates…

Through the lens of children’s human rights children from 8 schools across Edinburgh are exploring what children need to be healthy, happy and safe at home, school and in the community. In each school a team of CP Investigators are exploring children’s perspectives on bullying. Their ideas and investigations will be shared with the City of Edinburgh Council to help influence the Council’s understanding of bullying in schools.

Visit the Children’s Parliament Investigates… blog to keep up to date with all the latest from the project:

Children’s Parliament Investigates… is supported by Big Lottery: Young Start Fund.

ChildrensParliament1  If you would like more information about any part of Children’s Parliament’s work, or if you would like to find out about how Children’s Parliament could work with you please visit us at:
Children’s Parliament acknowledges the support of the Scottish GovernmentScottishGov through a CYPFEIF and ALEC Fund Grant.


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