Authors Live: Chris Hoy & Joanna Nadin

posted by Moyra Hood, ESO Literacy, People Directorate – Schools and Learning

Authors Live

On Thursday 17 March at 11am Scottish Book Trust are welcoming Sir Chris Hoy and co-author Joanna Nadin to Authors Live to speak about their new cycling adventure series, Flying Fergus.

Chris and Joanna will be speaking about their teamwork in putting the book together and the process of writing collaboratively. Chris will also be speaking about his sporting achievements, and both Chris and Joanna will be answering questions from classes around the country submitted on Twitter #AuthorsLive.

This exciting event will be of interest to pupils in P2-S1, and I would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity by signing up to watch live.

Schools can sign up by following this link and clicking register now:

There are also resources to use alongside this broadcast which are designed to help teachers combine literacy and sport in the classroom:

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