World Book Day at Arbroath High School

posted by Margaret Thompson, Library Assistant, Arbroath High School

To celebrate World Book Day, the Library ran a “Spot the Book Title” quiz and a quiz for teams entitled “Vilest Villains”. For “Spot the Book Title” every member of staff wore a badge showing a book title. Pupils were to spot as many as they could and match them with their wearers; a prize going to the pupil who collected the most.AHS World Book Day

The joint winners of “Spot the Book Title” were S1 pupils Louis Walton and Nicola Fenty who are pictured with their prizes.

The “Vilest Villains” winning team was “Friends @ Central Perk”, comprised of S5 pupils Ross Maider, Ellen Wilson, Calum Ferguson and Leanne Innes.

The Best Team Name prize was won by “The Wizzes of Quizzes” who were S3 pupils Abbie Beattie, Kaitlyne Fenty, Morgan Smith and Kaitlin Jolly.

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who took part and made it such an enjoyable day!


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