posted by Alita Spink, Schools & Learning Support Officer
Education Scotland
Community Resilience e-bulletin
This e-bulletin is aimed at teachers and professionals who are looking to engage schools in activities relating to flooding, extreme weather, climate change and other community resilience issues. Please forward to those who may be interested. For resources and information about community resilience visit our Ready for Emergencies website:
Don’t get caught out with bad weather this winter! If you missed our Glow TV event, watch again with your class.
Click here for ideas to help your class keep themselves and their families safe and warm this winter.
Download our new Ready for Winter PowerPoint from our Ready for Emergencies website.
Visit SEPA’s new Floodline Kids website. It has information for teachers and children on preparing for floods.
The UN Climate Change Summit has just finished – visit Education Scotland’s Exploring Climate Change website for information and resources.
New pages on Prevent have been added to the Terrorism section of our Ready for Emergencies website. Visit today.
If you would like to share your news or stories or get advice and support for community resilience then pleaase contact me on the email below.
Best wishes
Eilidh Soussi Ι Development Officer, Community Resilience
Education Scotland/Foghlam Alba Ι The Optima, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow G2 8DU
T: + 44 (0) 141 282 5191 Ι M: + 44 (0) 7540 668 986
Stay connected
Community Resilience>> @EdScotCommRes #Resilience-Ed on Twitter