Living Streets WoW

posted by Chris Thompson, Schools and Projects Coordinator

Nearly December already – where did 2015 go? 

We’re delighted to see so many schools walking to school with Living Streets’ WoW and have managed to hit a record 1/3 million journeys logged in Scotland during November – thanks to all your hard work enrolling and continuing to enthuse schools.  

And here’s something that will help keep participation high throughout December – the Festive Walk of Fame.

Simple to take part and easy to administer; If you’d like your Travel Tracker schools to take part just reply to this message and let us know which days Festive Walkyou’d like to be sent the Walk of Fame top ten graphic for your LA area (any range of dates 1-18th December). Please indicate if you would like any schools omitted from your LA top ten calculations.

You’ll receive a top ten graphic (similar to the one shown here) for your LA area in your inbox after each selected day to share with your schools as you wish; for example by email or posting on your website. A poster is attached to help you promote to your schools.  

Orders for the Spring term are now completed and will be dispatched mid-December, in plenty of time for the new term. Please remind schools to look out for the badges and to keep them somewhere safe until the end of January.

All the best,
Chris Thompson

Schools and Projects Coordinator T. 0131 243 2648  M. 07702 717541
Living Streets Scotland, 5 Rose Street, Edinburgh EH2 2PR
T. 0131 243 2645  @LStreetsScot 
Living Streets



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