What will I learn?
The aim of the National 5 Applications of Maths course is to provide learners with the skills and knowledge required to solve real-life problems. This course will enable learners to use mathematical reasoning to make informed decisions by assessing risk and drawing logical conclusions. Learners will gain skills in analysing, interpreting and communicating mathematical information accurately – all vital skills for the workplace or further learning, particularly in NON-STEM related areas.
What do I require to select this course?
You should have been working in the Fourth Curriculum Level during BGE or passed the National 4 Mathematics course prior to starting this course.
How will I be assessed?
National 5 Applications of Maths has 3 units which are Assessed as a Whole Course Assessment.
The units are:
- Managing Finance and Statistics
- Geometry and Measures
- Numeracy
The Course Assessment is an externally assessed exam consisting of 2 papers:
- Non-calculator (1 hr 5 mins)
- Calculator (2 hrs)
To gain a course award, learners must pass the Course Assessment.
Additional Awards
Achievement of this course gives automatic certification of the following Core Skill:-
Numeracy at SCQF level 5
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