National 4 Maths

What will I learn?

The aim of the National 4 Maths course is to provide learners with the skills required to interpret and solve problems in mathematical and real-life contexts.  This course will enable learners to carry out mathematical processes, interpret data, investigate abstract thinking and communicate information effectively.  Learners will develop skills relevant to life and work while gaining a solid foundation for further learning.

What do I require to select this course?

You should have been working in the Third Curriculum Level during BGE or passed the National 3 Applications of Maths course prior to starting this course.

How will I be assessed?

National 4 Maths has 3 mandatory units as well as an Added Value Unit.

The mandatory units are:

  • Expressions and Formulae
  • Relationships
  • Numeracy

The Added Value Unit is assessed across 2 papers (non-calculator and calculator).  It assesses a range of knowledge and reasoning skills that learners have developed throughout the 3 mandatory units.

To gain a course award, learners must pass all 3 unit assessment as well as the Added Value Unit assessment.

Additional Awards

Achievement of this course gives automatic certification of the following Core Skill:-

Numeracy at SCQF level 4

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