Advanced Higher Mathematics

What will I learn?

The aim of the Advanced Higher Maths course is to provide learners with the skills required to solve practical and abstract problems using complex mathematical techniques.  The course will enable learners to deepen their knowledge and extend their skills in interpreting, analysing and communicating information in mathematical form.  This course provides a solid foundation for further education in many areas, including Mathematics and Engineering.

What do I require to select this course?

Candidates should have achieved the Higher Mathematics (NOT Applications of Maths) course.

How will I be assessed?

Advanced Higher Maths has 3 units which are assessed as a Whole Course Assessment.

The units are:

  • Methods in Algebra and Calculus
  • Applications in Algebra and Calculus
  • Geometry, Proof and Systems of Equations

The Course Assessment is an externally assessed exam consisting of 2 papers.

  • Non-calculator (1 hr )
  • Calculator (2 hrs 30 mins)

To gain a course award, learners must pass the Course Assessment.

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