
Campbeltown Grammar School – Homework Policy

  1. Rationale of this Policy
  • to promote the importance of independent learning, and the
    concepts of the twenty-four hour curriculum and life-long learning
  • to assist pupils in achieving their potential
  • to encourage pupils to take responsibility for aspects of their own
  • to encourage and develop pupils’ ability to plan and organise the
    time they spend learning
  • to emphasise the view that homework is an important aspect of
    learning and teaching, intended to raise pupil attainment and
    enhance pupils’ learning experiences
  • to outline school policy and good practice in relation to
    homework, so that parents are better informed about aspects of
    their children’s learning.
  1. Good homework can:
  • consolidate learning which occurred in class
  • stimulate and interest pupils in their learning
  • encourage pupils to learn and adopt useful and effective study
  • support pupils in their learning of new topics
  • provide assistance and support for pupils who need additional
    support and opportunities to learn
  • provide extension work for more able, more talented and
    motivated pupils
  • encourage a stronger sense of responsibility, by prompting pupils
    to develop a sense of ownership of their learning outside the
    class, and promoting enhanced self-awareness in learning
  • help pupils to develop resilience through their learning outside
    the classroom, encouraging pupils to work towards completing
    challenges independently, to think about what they learning and
    about how they learn best.
  1. Principles underlying the Homework Policy
  • Responsibility for the completion of homework rests with the
    pupil, suitably supported by parents/carers.
  • In order to reflect the breadth and balance of the curriculum,
    homework should be provided in all subject areas and for all levels of study.
  • Homework should be carefully planned and integrated into the
    wider teaching and learning (see the CGS Teaching and Learning
    statement) which occurs in the classroom.
  • Homework activities should be clearly relevant to learning
    outcomes and apposite to the course and level of study
  • Homework should be targeted to the needs of pupils.
  • Wherever possible, homework should stimulate pupils’ interest in
    the subject/topic/activity.
  • Homework should be set in appropriate quantities, and allow
    reasonable time for completion.
  • In accordance with the general consensus of academic research,
    homework should increase incrementally in frequency and level of challenge as the pupil progresses through to the Senior phase of the school.
  • Homework tasks should be carefully presented so that tasks can
    be clearly understood by pupils and parents/carers.
  • Homework should be accessible to pupils, so that the extent of
    access to technology at home does not impede the completion of
  1. Types of Homework
  • Homework can be useful in consolidating learning, by encouraging pupils to practise, revise, engage with texts and topics covered in class, and apply new knowledge and skills.
  • Homework can be useful in preparing pupils for future lessons, by
    encouraging background reading, research, and thus taking on
    responsibility for aspects of their learning.
  • Homework can be useful in encouraging/allowing pupils to carry
    out assignments which need not necessarily be completed in the
  • Homework can consist of single, short, activities, or more
    extensive, long-term assignments/projects which might involve
    pupils engaging in a series of skills and related tasks; e.g. selecting, investigating, researching, planning, organising, designing, drafting and redrafting.
  1. School Practice
  • Teachers will ensure that homework is accessible to all pupils;
    ensure instructions are clearly given and understood; issue
    homework regularly, in line with departmental practice; monitor
    and give feedback on pupils’ completed homework tasks.
  • Departments will develop their own homework policy to suit the
    requirements of courses taught, the needs of pupils, and adhering
    to whole school principles for teaching and learning.
  • Principal Teachers will monitor and review departmental
    homework provision.
  • Senior Managers will oversee the development of departmental
    homework provision; will ensure that homework is in place across all subjects; will inform parents of the aims, principles and
    practices of the whole school homework policy, and its place in
    wider teaching and learning.
  1. Parents
  • can make an important contribution to the learning process by
    helping pupils to develop good homework and study habits
  • can help pupils by ensuring that they have access to materials and
    resources necessary for the completion of tasks
  • can help their children by their awareness/understanding of the
    child’s learning style
  • can help by talking to their children about what they are learning,
    about its importance to their development, and by attempting to
    apply knowledge and skills in other life situations
  • can encourage that appropriate time is planned for and set aside
    for homework.
  • can communicate with the school/teacher where extra
    information or guidance is needed
  1. Pupils
  • can show that they are ready and able to take some responsibility
    for aspects of their own learning
  • ensure that homework is completed to the best of their ability,
    and submitted on time
  • can plan the time to be spent on their homework, in order to
    allow time for out-of-school activities and family life, while still
    accepting the part played by learning experiences and activities
    outside the classroom
  • can show that they are able to seek support and extra help on
    challenging activities promptly, so as to ensure that the tasks are
    completed on time
  • can access their homework my checking with teachers, collecting
    resources and materials as required.
  1. Monitoring and Evaluating
  • Pupils’ completion of homework will be monitored by teachers,
    and pupils’ performance will be reported to Principal Teachers,
    SMT and parents through the school reporting, tracking and
    monitoring system.
  • Principal teachers will monitor departmental homework, from the quality of tasks set, materials issued, pupils’ completion of tasks and, where possible, to the impact of homework on attainment.
  • SMT members will monitor homework for their link departments
    through consultation with principal teachers, subject teachers,
    and by seeking the views of pupils and parents/carers.
  • Whole school evaluation of the effectiveness of homework policy
    and practice should be carried out regularly. This should involve consultation with staff
    and a sample of parents and pupils. Where good practice is
    identified, this should be shared across the whole school.
  1. Completion of Homework
  • Completion of homework is likely to benefit pupils’ confidence in
    what they are learning, and enhance their academic attainment.
  • Failure to complete homework will be likely to have a self-penalising effect on pupil development, performance and
  • Subject teachers will request completed homework to be
    submitted on time
  • Allowances will be made for late submissions as appropriate.
  • Repeated failure to complete homework tasks will be recorded
    and reported to the Principal Teacher.
  • If the non-completion persists, this information will be passed to
    Guidance teachers and SMT House-heads.
  • Parents will be informed of teachers’ concerns via standard
    homework letters, or by direct communication from Guidance
  • It is not School Policy to issue discipline exercises for noncompletion of homework, but rather to offer support to overcome any barriers or impediments to learning.

Appendix 1

In Campbeltown Grammar School we are committed to ensuring that all pupils are able to access all areas of the curriculum with equality of opportunity. As stated in part 3 of this policy, ‘Homework should be accessible to pupils, so that the extent of access to technology at home does not impede the completion of tasks’; therefore, if your child does not have access to a mobile
phone on which the app can be downloaded or to a computer, laptop or tablet, please contact your child’s guidance teacher and we can arrange for access to take place in school. Alternatively, we expect that paper-based versions of homework will be made available by subject teachers as much as possible.

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