Outdoor Education

Campbeltown is in a unique location, geographically isolated but surrounded by amazing natural landscapes.   Outdoor Education is a unique curriculum opportunity for all S3 students aiming to fully utilise our rich local environments and engage in ‘adventure activities’ for personal development.

Gorge scrambling, mountain biking, rock climbing, hill and coastal exploring are activities which align with the natural energy and curiosity of young people.  These very concrete experiences are used to teach students the deeper learning that they have the ‘tools’ for responding to challenge within them.  Outdoor Education provides students with an environment of high expectations and high support so that these skills do not remain hidden and undeveloped.

·         Confidence and self-belief

·         Resilience and tenacity

·         Application and perseverance

·         Managing risk

·         Cultivating a growth mind-set

·         Finding personal motivation

The purpose of Outdoor Education is to make these skill sets visible, so students can begin the lifelong process of developing them for themselves and optimising their education.


Mr Osborne

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