Pre Five Mini Olympics

Active Schools Co-ordinator Jillian Gibson and Lorna Cameron, Early Years & Family Support Worker for MAKI, worked together to provide a recent Mini, Mini Olympics project for all pre five children in the Mid Argyll area.  Thanks to funding from the local Public Health Network, each pre five unit was offered three free swimming lessons for their four year old children.  The lessons were delivered by staff at Mid Argyll Community Pool and were kindly supported by many parents who came along to help.  Continuing on from swimming, it was also possible to offer each unit two PE sessions delivered by the local primary PE teachers and Catriona Gunn from Mid Argyll Sports Centre.

  Each PE lesson gave the younger children a chance to experience a lesson much the same as the ones they’ll get when they go into primary school.  The lessons were themed on run, jump, throw activities relating to athletics.  The Public Health Network funding has also allowed equipment and activity cards to be purchased for all pre five units so they can continue delivering athletics activities in the new term.

To celebrate these Olympic sports in each unit they held a Mini, Mini Olympics Festival in June at Lochgilphead Joint Campus.  Almost all three and four year old children in Mid Argyll came along and took part in a circuit of activities.  It was a fantastic chance for all local pre five children to come together and take part in Olympic themed activities.  A fun morning was had by all!

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