Oban Gaelic Medium Pupils Scoop Television Quiz Prize

Two pupils from Rockfield Primary School’s Gaelic medium classes in Oban are to appear on BBC Alba’s Gleusta children’s quiz programme next week.

Calum Garvin and Calum McLuckie were P6 pupils when the programme was recorded in June 2013 at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Isle of Skye. They competed successfully in a series of challenges against contestants from Tollcross Primary School in Edinburgh and returned with a trophy to present to their school.

The recording is the third of twelve programmes in the current series, and is broadcast at 6.30pm on Monday 20 January 2014 on BBC Alba.

One thought on “Oban Gaelic Medium Pupils Scoop Television Quiz Prize

  1. Congratulations, is mise gle tolitche re Calum agus Calum.

    Mrs Clark

    Please excuse my Gaelic, I haven’t used it for quite a while!!!!


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