The Choir Sing Their Hearts Out

On the 2nd of June, PortEllen Gaelic choir were at the High school, to sing at the local mod,they were conduced by Maureen MacDonald, the head Teacher.

The first song they sang was the unison, secondly was Peurt a ‘ bheul, then the reel. They made some mistakes and Mrs Macdonald said ” we have blown it now” But just then Mr Macdonald, her Husband came though and said they had won 1st in

the unison. Yeh!  They also came second in the perurt a ‘ bheul.

Action Song Success

Port Ellen P1/2s, aged 5-6 won the action song trophy, against another two schools, at the Mod in Bowmore high school!!! On Saturday 2nd June. They sang a song called {Engine,Tractor Agus Van}
Ellie said “I am glad we won!” Miss Macrae said “Well done.”  Everyone wore fantastic costumes and Ruraidh did very well as Donny Dotamen!!!

By Emily

Incredible Ileachs Win Science Award

Ileachs Jason, Ewan, Dan, Eleanor and Aileas went to the Glasgow Science Centre, Wednesday 30th May 2012.   Glory fell on them by winning BT Scotland Award for Best Club Presentation and also 250 pounds.  Jason said  “My Pyro Pyrimid was great.”

Port Ellen Poets are WINNERS!

Port Ellen Primary School pupils had great success in a local poetry competition;

Scott Kinloch,11 Honourable mention
Eleanor Macmillan,9 honourable mention
Asher Borthwick,10 1st
Nicholas Weatherhogg,9 2nd

Friday 15th June; They are going to read their poems at the Gaelic College.

Asher says “I loved making my poem!”

Eleanor says “I used all my feelings in my poem,”

Scott says” I just had a go…”

Nicholas says “I thought really hard about my poem.”

Gardening At Port Ellen Primary School

On Friday afternoon we do gardening. The gardening is p1 to p5 but last Friday it was p1 to p7. The p7s where tiding the shed.  P1 to p5 where pulling out weeds and me and Annie where planting plants or flowers and the p3s where putting plants in the Easter Island head because there topic was about Easter Island so Miss Brown thought they should put plants in the Easter Island head.  And the bell went for play time and after play time we went back to gardening and we were doing the same except from p3/4 they finished the Easter Island head so they where pulling out weeds then the bell went for home time so we stopped and went to wash our hands. By Ciara


At school on a Friday afternoon P1-5 do gardening. People weed and some people plant!!! This month we had some very extrordinary news we had one our fourth green flag but we had some things we could maybe change but luckily it was not a lot the things we had to change were that we could maybe update our eco codes and get them in each classroom and not just the hall.

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