Author Archives: Mrs Messenger

P1 Home Learning 13.5.20

Bonjour Primary 1!

Remember between 10-12 today, you can collect a paper pack from school which complements our online learning.  Your Primary 1 teachers will be phoning again this week so look out for a call from an unknown number.  We look forward to speaking with you!

Please find today’s literacy and numeracy activities below:

Literacy 13.5.20

Numeracy 13.5.20

Mrs Cook has recorded Chapters 3 and 4 of our story.  Watch and have a think about the following:

Chapter 3 – The Great Denture Adventure

Chapter 4 – The Great Denture Adventure

Chapter 3: Explain what happened in this chapter

Chapter 4: Why did the policeman laugh? Why was it bad news that the teeth were spotted at the zoo?

EB has sent us a picture of her wonderful writing at home!  We love to see pictures of what you have been up to, feel free to send any pictures of your home learning to us via the school e-mail address!


P1 Home Learning 8.5.20

Good morning Primary 1!

Today is a special day called VE day on which we celebrate a 75th anniversary!  Can you find out more about VE day and why we celebrate it?  Your teachers will be joining the nation in a two minute silence at 11am to mark this historic occasion.

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy activities:

Literacy 8.5.20

Numeracy 8.5.20

There will be paper packs to cover the next block of learning available to collect from school between 10am – 12 noon on Wednesday 13th May.

Mrs Cook has recorded Chapter 2 of our novel, please watch and discuss the following questions:

Part 1 – Chapter 2 The Great Denture Adventure

Part 2 – Chapter 2 The Great Denture Adventure

What kind of bird stole Grandma’s teeth?

How did the teeth end up attached to the jogger’s tracksuit?

What do you think Tom, Jane and Grandma will say to the police?


P1 Home Learning 1/5/20

Good morning everyone!  It is the start of May already!  How time flies! Remember there will be no online learning on Monday or Tuesday of next week due to the May holiday, but we will return on Wednesday 6th May!

Here are today’s literacy and numeracy tasks:

Literacy 1.5.20

Numeracy 1.5.20 (1)

Literacy 1.5.20   (pdf)

Numeracy 1.5.20 (1)  (pdf)

Mrs Messenger has recorded a story for you to watch.  Once you have seen it, have a think and discuss the following questions:  Who did Caterpillar speak to first in the story?  How do you think Caterpillar feels when Sparrow tells him he can’t fly?  Can you draw a picture of Caterpillar’s transformation?

We have received these wonderful photographs from JH who has been painting pebbles with his sister and then adding them to the path at Wester Inch.  They look great, don’t they? What a  lovely way to brighten up someone’s daily walk!  Well done!