Author Archives: Mrs Messenger

P4b wk 21.08.23

We have had a brilliant start to Primary 4.


We have started to read the Wild Robot by Peter Brown and have found it very interesting. We have designed our own robots and islands, as well as written stories about them.

In numeracy we have been learning about place value and rounding. It has been a little bit tricky but we have learned new strategies to help us.

In P.E we have been using our teamwork and communication skills to solve problems. We have really enjoyed them.


Pupil Quotes:

“I have really enjoyed building our robots and islands”

“I have really enjoyed rounding”

“I have really enjoyed using hundreds, tens and units”

“I have liked the arts and crafts activities”


We think it’s going to be a really fun journey in Primary 4. We can’t wait to share more blog posts with you.

P4m – wk 21.08.23

We are so happy to be in Primary 4 and we are looking forward to all the fun things we will be doing this year!

In literacy, we have been learning how to fully answer literal questions in comprehension. We have been reminded to use capital letters and full stops in grammar. We have linked our writing to our class novel, ‘The Wild Robot’, and have created our own robot adventures which we are turning into books.

In numeracy, we have revised place value with 3 and 4 digit numbers!  We have also completed work on estimation and rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000.  Our problem solving was a difficult challenge this week, but we all used different strategies to succeed in solving the problem!

We had lots of fun building our own 3-D robots and designing an island for them to live on.  We looked at Scottish islands for inspiration and learned about land use, solar energy and mapping.

We look forward to updating you with our learning every fortnight and we would love you to leave a comment for us to read in class.

Class comments:

I enjoyed building my robot because I like to be creative – H

Rounding was fun because it was something new – D

I’ve enjoyed playing with my friends again after the holidays – E

I liked the teamwork challenges in P.E – I

Writing was fun because we get to write our own robot adventures – R

I am enjoying being back at school – A

I liked completing my plan for writing – T

P7me 26/04/23


We are continuing to link our writing to STEAM.  We are conducting various experiments, including dissolving, chemical reactions etc and then using the information to transform into reports and procedural writing.  In reading we have started our new class novel, ‘Breakfast Club Adventures’ and we will be using this to enhance our comprehension skills.  We have also started a film study which will last for the next three weeks.  This will test our comprehension skills, and also our listening and talking skills as well.  The film we have chosen is ‘Luca’.


In numeracy, we are revisiting the four operations through word problems.  This will form the basis of our problem solving as well for the next few weeks.  In Maths, we are using our knowledge of volume, area and perimeter and linking them to real life challenges such as measuring for a new floor, how many materials we need to build a fence etc.


Our IDL is focussed mainly on our Leavers Assembly.  We are hoping to get a script written up with the children by the end of this week and start allocating parts after the May Bank holiday.  The children have come up with some great ideas so far!

We are enjoying completing our transition challenges from Armadale Academy.  This week we had to complete a quiz to guess the country based on a series of clues.  It was fun but we also learned lots of interesting facts that we didn’t know already.  Some of our favourites facts were: in France, it is illegal for live snails to travel on a train without a ticket! Also in Germany, the government can (and will) reject weird baby names!

B – I want to see the tiny snail rail tickets!

R – I enjoyed doing a film study, it was more interesting.

E – I am looking forward to this last term, we have so much going on!