Author Archives: Mrs Settle

P3 Learning 29.4.20

Bonjour la classe!
Quel temps fait il aujourd’hui? Il fait mauvais?

Your teachers will be phoning some of you today so look out for a withheld number or perhaps the school office number. Yesterday we enjoyed hearing your news. FS was on a great nature walk when he spoke to his teacher and MR told her teacher about some of the many pets she has.
Here are today’s tasks. You might want to apply your writing lesson in real life! Let us know how it goes if you do.
It’s PE day so your PE lessons are here too.
Have a great day!
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

29.4.20 Home learning Literacy
29.4.20 Home learning Numeracy
P3 PE – Week Beg 27 April
Throwing and Catching Grid 2 – P3

P3 Update 28.4.20

Good afternoon P3!

We hope you enjoyed your tasks today. We have been hearing about some of your fraction posters and they sound great. Well done to OC, SJ and ZC for super effort on Sumdog too.

We are delighted to hear that so many of you are getting the chance to exercise outside. Well done to RW and ML who have learnt to ride their bikes without stabilisers. What a great use of this time!

Happy Birthday for yesterday to AW. We hope you had a great day.

Your teachers love to see your photos so please keep sending them in to the school office. If you send a picture without any people in it and include permission, we can share it on the Blog. Here is EW’s fabulous art work in the style of Kadinsky.
Take care,
From Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle



P3 Learning 27.4.20

Bonjour la classe!
Ça va aujourd’hui? Moi, ça va très bien, merci.
Your teachers enjoyed chatting with you last week and we loved hearing about how some of you have celebrated your 8th birthday while in Lockdown. P3sw children who have celebrated so far are EB, CC, NF and JR. Joyeuse Anniversaire! We will tell you about the P3fw birthdays this afternoon.
Your teachers will be in touch again this week for a wee catch-up. You can also use the Blog or school office email to share learning or ask questions.
Here are your Literacy and Numeracy tasks for today and your weekly “other curricular areas” grid. We hope you enjoy them!
Mrs Welsh, Miss Foote and Mrs Settle

27.4.20 Home learning Literacy

27.4.20 Home learning Numeracy

wb 27.4 Home learning grid 3 Other Curricular Areas