Welcome Back Update from P6a and P6b

Welcome back to our new P6 classes, we are delighted that they seem to have had a varied and enjoyable summer.

We asked the children to reflect on their first 2 weeks in their new classes or on what they are looking forward to this school year and here is a selection of their comments:

I am looking forward to internet safety lessons and using the laptops to do various activities to do with our learning.                                                                                                       Callum M P6a

I am looking forward to getting our letters back from our Indian pen pals.

 Hannah G P6a

I absolutely loved the basketball trials.  

 Prentice D P6b

I enjoyed doing the class charter and we have done a maths assessment.

Jayden G P6b

I learned about William Shakespeare in Drama, he was born in the 1500s.

Katie A P6b

I really liked the Williamston World Records.

 Lucas K P6a

It was wonderful doing the ‘all about me’ t-shirts.

Harvey B P6b

I enjoyed designing the footprint.

 Ethan L P6a


We are looking forward to welcoming you into our classrooms on Wednesday evening!

Mrs Murray and Mrs Ford

i-Love Literacy Showcase

i Love Literacy Itinery


What a day celebrating all of our children’s achievements across literacy and especially in writing.

We loved hosting renowned author, Stuart Reid, who worked hard to read and judge many pieces of writing from Nursery-P7.

Thank you to our many parents and carers who visited for a cuppa and a Q&A with Stuart and then went to our classes to share our children’s learning.

A thank you from our Enterprise Group

Thank you to everybody who helped and donated to Social Bite. This will really help and support homeless people this winter. Thanks to all of your generous donations we have raised £1,772 which is absolutely fabulous! Williamston have also been making beautiful Christmas cards for homeless people to spread the Christmas spirit. Everything will be delivered to the Care Shelter ASAP!

How could you SWAY?

Calling all Williamston Learners … Nursery to P7!

Have you heard of SWAY?

How could you use it?

As a learner too… I have loved learning to use Sway. But, I’ll be honest, it has taken me a little while to really like it (And a lot of exploring!). So… my Term 1 challenge for you is…

Can you use Sway? What could you use it for?

There will be a #DigiRecognition for the best class and best learner for Sway this term… could it be you?


Here’s a Swayhttp://<iframe width=”760px” height=”500px” src=”https://sway.office.com/s/pHiN0U8S2GAtKcbG/embed” frameborder=”0″ marginheight=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ max-width=”100%” sandbox=”allow-forms allow-modals allow-orientation-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts” scrolling=”no” style=”border: none; max-width: 100%; max-height: 100vh” allowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen></iframe> to let you know how we could all use it… what do you think?

Have a GO! And – SHARE!

I can’t wait to see more.


Mrs K. Gray 🙂

Be The Best You Can Be!

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