Daffodil Tea.

It is almost here!  We are so excited to welcome our visitors tomorrow for our special Daffodil Tea.  We have been very busy preparing for this and are sure our visitors are going to have a wonderful time.  This week we have been busy making crispy cakes, as well as creating beautiful daffodil art work and tuning our voices for a sweet and joyful spring sing along.

We look forward to seeing all of our visitors tomorrow!

Our Crispy Cakes
Our Crispy Cakes

Celebrating French Day in Primary 2 and 1!


We have had such fun today celebrating French Day.  We were all looking lovely in our French bérets with our red, white and blue clothes which helped make our afternoon of French learning fun and exciting!  All Primary 1 and 2 worked together in their chosen activity and had a lot to say about how much fun they had working with different people and learning about France and French customs.  One group baked a traditional yoghurt cake, another group tasted traditional French food, while there was a group hard at work using play construction to build the Eiffel tower.  Some became French artists by re-creating Monet and others enjoyed all the seasons outside whilst learning their colours and numbers in French.


What fun it is learning French!!

Yummy yoghury cake
Yummy yoghurt cake
Monet magic
Monet magic

Musical Marvels in Primary 4!

In Primary 4 we have been lucky enough to have NYCOS music workshops with Mrs Poynter this term. We have been learning about keeping a steady beat, simple rhythms and pitch, including the pentatonic scale. We have been making hand signs as we sing and learning to read music. There has been lots of fun and games along the way and we have really enjoyed our music lessons each week. Thank you Mrs Poynter!

P4 Make Vegetable Soup!

The P4 classes led by Mrs Warren had the chance to make vegetable soup as part of our Healthy Eating topic. The children learnt how to chop carrots, onions and potatoes safely. We then added everything to  the schools new slow cookers and were then able to eat our soup before the end of the day. Yummy!

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Celtic Roundhouses in P3a

As previously posted, we have recently been busy making Celtic roundhouses as part of our topic on The Romans.  We worked super hard to ensure we had round walls that looked like they were made of mud and clay and cone shaped roofs that appeared to be made of straw.  We took great care in decorating our houses to look like they would in The Iron Age.  Here are some photos of us during the building phase and some final shots of our wonderful creations!


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Primary 3 Roman Day

On Tuesday the 24th March, we had a very special visitor!  Decimus Gaius, a Roman soldier, came to Williamston to teach us all about life in the Roman army.  We learned lots about Soldiers’ uniforms and weapons, the food they ate and even their toilet habits.  We then got dressed in our own army uniforms and were taught battle formations!  Decimus Gaius was in charge, and gave us battle commands in Latin.  We learned how to attack in Tortoise formation, how to stay in army ranks and how to protect against attacking horses.

As part of our Roman day we also enjoyed a Roman feast.  We relaxed in our togas and laurel headbands and tried various Roman delicacies.  This included bread, grapes, cheese, dates, red wine (blackcurrant juice!) and dormice (of the chocolate variety!)  The children took turns being slaves and served the others, and everyone lay on the floor and enjoyed the experience.





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P6 find out: How do our brains work?

Primary 6 have had great time learning about the brain in an interactive and engaging way! We made our brains using various materials to demonstrate the parts of the brain that are vital in controlling how our body moves and perceives the world around us! The brain is a very complex and powerful control centre, and our hats show that different parts of the brain are in charge of different things in our body! Ask a Primary 6 more about the brain and its important functions!

Sponsored Read

The Library Group are delighted to announce that the recent sponsored reading event has raised the magnificent sum of £2801. This money will now be used to purchase non-fiction books for the school library. A huge thank you to all parents, carers and friends who supported this event.

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