Primary 3b – Perseverance Assembly

The value of the month for June is perseverance. At our class assembly we shared our learning about perseverance with the infant classes. We demonstrated how we have shown perseverance both at home and in school and how some famous people have had to show perseverance to reach their dreams and goals. We performed a drama of the story of Mary Jones, the little Welsh girl who learned to read, saved her pocket money for six years and walked for 26 miles to buy her own copy of the bible. We also told the story of the three echidnas who climbed Everest. The audience enjoyed singing “Don’t Give Up” along with Bruno Mars and the Sesame Street characters. We thoroughly enjoyed our final assembly of the session.


We are back!

We’re back after exploring James Young High School. We have learnt so many new things like what our subjects are, who our teachers and buddies will be and our way round the building. We also met new friends and got to know the people in our tutor groups. Some of us were a bit anxious about getting lost but our buddies were very good at showing us the way round the different departments. On the Tuesday some of us were confident enough to stand up and speak about our experiences in front of all the S1 pupils! We are very proud of this. We are now even more excited about going to High School!

Williamston Receive Gold Sport Award

Congratulations to all the staff, pupils, partners and parents/carers who have helped make this outstanding award possible. We look forward to continuing the great sporting achievements and successes within school and without next session. Click on the music below to help you feel good about our award…


P4 Sky Sports Day

The whole of P4 had a great time at the Sky Sports Day event. There were loads of other children there and we took part in a variety of sports, Futsal, Basketball, Judo and Tennis. We also had the chance to learn about some fruit and veg and healthy eating. Congratulations to our team ‘The Puppy Wuppies’ for being awarded the cup for best team spirit.

The Lighthouse Keeper’s Picnic

Primary 2 and primary 2/1 are sad to say goodbye to Mr. and Mrs. Grinling as we have now ended our Lighthouse Keeper’s Topic.  We really enjoyed our learning through this topic and having a picnic at the end was just the perfect way to end!  We made our own sandwiches and fruit salad, with a little help from our grown-ups and they were so yummy!



Dance workshops

We really enjoyed our dance workshop with Next Step Dance today. We had an opportunity to learn a fun hip hop dance routine which even included some free styling! We then got to create our own catwalk where we chose how we wanted to move or dance down the catwalk!

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