Hello from Primary 4B

Welcome to Primary 4B and our blog page. We have enjoyed posting on Twitter this year and just love to see who has liked our posts so please check here also and leave us your feedback and comments – we are very much looking forward to reading them!

We are enjoying settling into our new class and also getting to know each other and our teacher – this is important as some of us were in a different class last year.

This year will be a busy year for us as we are now in the ‘bigger’ part of the school. We will study Water and Scotland as our topics, hopefully visit Edinburgh just like last year’s P4 did and of course end with our show, amongst many other things! We know that our year will be an enjoyable one though as long as we try our best, apply a good attitude to school and learning and participate in classroom life positively as we would be expected to do.

Thank you for reading!

Primary 4B

Hi from P7b!

First of all we would like to say congratulations to our candidates for Head Boy and Girl who have their interviews today. We also want to say well done to everyone who applied and completed such excellent application forms. Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies will be announced next week.

Well done to all pupils who have been appointed as Prefects. Prefect duties will begin next week.

This week we have continued to help and support our P1 buddies and have enjoyed getting to know them better.

To celebrate Roald Dahl day next week we voted for Danny Champion of the World to be read as our class novel. We are really enjoying the novel so far.

In writing we have been working on persuasive speeches and thinking about what we would do to improve the school. We have tried hard to use repetition, persuasive language and exaggeration.

In music with Ms MacDonald P7b have been working on a song with a growth mindset theme. We are enjoying being creative and applying our musical talents with some help from Gregor, Scott and their guitars!

In maths we have been exploring place value, what it means and how we can use it. We will continue working on this as well as developing our skills in rounding next week. As part of problem solving we have explored number patterns and sequences and discussed the rule the sequence follows.

Have a great weekend and we will post another update next Friday.

Miss Brown and P7

It has been a busy week in P7b…

It has been a really busy but exciting week. A very important role in P7 is being a buddy to the new P1 pupils. As part of this we have created and edited a video and made posters and leaflets to help share our knowledge with the school. We want to ensure we are quality buddies!

In PE with Mr Muldoon we completed the beep test and are going to be working really hard to improve our fitness this term.

In class we have been working on putting together our class charter. This has involved deciding on articles as well as teacher and pupil agreements to ensure everyone respects these rights. We completed designs and voted for our favourite one. Kyle, Rowan, Lochlan and Finlay’s wonderful monopoly design won!

It has been a busy week completing application forms at home. To help us with this process we have reflected on our skills and qualities and thought about what positions we would like to apply for.

It has been really enjoyable spending lots of time with our P1 buddies. It is great to see them settling in so well and helping them to become more independent.

Have a great weekend, from P7b.

Exciting times in P7!

Primary 7 pupils are currently completing application forms to put themselves forward for roles within the school. They have been exploring their skills and qualities to help them with the process.

Here is the application form for any P7 pupils who would like to use an electronic version.

Application form – Side 1

Application form – Side 2

P7 will keep you up to date on their exciting journey over the next few weeks!

Another busy day in Primary 1

The boys and girls in Primary 1 had a very exciting morning. They had a special visitor who brought various interesting animals to school. The children really enjoyed playing with and learning about the different lizards, snakes, guinea pigs and birds.

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In the afternoon we all enjoyed taking part in our Sports Day. The races were great fun and everybody did so well. The sport challenges were great and we really enjoyed showing off our skills. Our parents, teachers and friends were very impressed with our achievements.

Thank you all so much for coming to our Sports Day. We hope you had fun too.

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Busy Week in Primary 1

It has been another very busy week for Primary 1. The boys and girls have enjoyed taking part in Health Week activities and they particularly liked their Dance and Enjoy-a-ball sessions.

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If only you could see how good we were throwing, catching, rolling, balancing a ball.

The boys and girls in Primary 1 took part in the Empty Classroom Day today. We all took our learning outside and we are very proud of our well done work. Look at our letters! They are all neat, beautiful and formed correctly! And that is not easy when writing with chalk.

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We also had a very successful achievement assembly. We are so proud of the children who received certificates this month.P6170759 P6170760 P6170761 P6170763 P6170764 101_4321

We are looking forward to performing our dances in front of our friends from P2 on Monday afternoon.

P3/2 celebrate the wedding and health week

It has been another busy week in P3/2, with lots of fun learning.

We have enjoyed taking part in Tennis and Dance classes as part of our health week learning and made ‘perky punch’ using fresh fruit. It was delicious!

punch 2

On Thursday, we celebrated the wedding of Finn and Morgan and had a wonderful day. We enjoyed the singing, dancing and speeches!

wedding dance cutting cake


Today, we had an achievement assembly. Well done to Callum, Jean Pierre, Niamh and Aiden!

achievement 17.6.16

As part of our UNICEF day for change, we wore blue today and we had an ’empty classroom’. We all ate our snacks outside and had a scavenger hunt.

outside snack 1 outside snack 2 outside snack 3 outside snack 4

Have a lovely weekend!

Be The Best You Can Be!

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