P4b blog post – 16.9.16

Primary 4B Friday 16th September


In numeracy, we have been learning about place value. We have started revision with tens and units but next week we will move onto hundreds, tens and units.

In literacy, we have just finished reading ‘The Twits’ by Roald Dahl. We wrote a book review and we also made character descriptions of Mr and Mrs Twit.

We also conducted a science experiment this week. We have filled two containers with water and covered one with cling film. We are excited next week to see what happens to the water in each container! This is the start of our water topic, with a science focus.



P1 – Blog post 16.9.16

In Primary One we may be little but we learn BIG!!!

This important year in our school lives is when we start to learn to read, write and count.


Through activity and play we learn sounds, words and numbers. We love getting messy and creative and enjoy being active and exploring the world around us.


Another huge focus of our learning in Primary One is on building friendships and working as a team. We try hard to follow the Golden Rules especially to treat others as we would like to be treated.


As we set out on our learning adventure we might make mistakes along the way and sometimes we might find things difficult too.  Our teachers are helping us to learn not to give up and say “I can’t do it” but to keep on trying and think “I can’t do it YET”.


P2/1 blog – 16/9/16

The boys and girls in Primary 2/1 have had a very busy week. It was very exciting coming into the classroom after lunch on Monday and finding a secret trail which led to a letter on a leaf. We discovered that Sam the Snail had used our classroom to escape from a very hungry bird. This led us to think about food chains and appreciate how everything in nature depends on each other.

Orla said she couldn’t wait to come to school on Tuesday to play with the Roald Dahl playdough mats. Later that day in art we all used line and colour to decorate sweets for Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. They looked so good we wanted to eat them. In Drama, this week, we took on some of Roald Dahl’s characters and made our own performances. We had to consider the kind of voices we needed to use to bring our characters to life.

Primary 1 have been working really hard this week counting, ordering and recognising numbers within 10. They have also looked forward each day to learning their new sound, along with the action and the song. Please look for these sounds in our sound tubs when we come home on Friday and help us to practise them.  New reading words have also been used this week. Please remember that reading folders with reading books and reading records need to come to school everyday. This helps to keep everything safe.

Primary 2 have been busy counting, ordering and recognising numbers within 50. We are really good at counting forwards but we sometimes get mixed up when counting backwards especially when crossing a ‘10’. Please do lots of counting backwards with us at home. Our sound for this week is the ee/ea sound. It is really tricky to know which one we should use. Our teacher thinks we are being good sound detectives as we nearly always make the right choice.

Here are some of P2/1’s thoughts about this week:

Mia – I enjoyed threading the numbers to 10 in the right order.

Sam – I enjoyed playing in the playground with my friends.

Ethan – I enjoyed writing  ‘u’ with the coloured pens.

Anna – I enjoyed making  ‘o’ with wool.

Daniel – I enjoyed counting up to 50.

Orla – I enjoyed writing words with ee/ea.

Emily – I enjoyed finding the answers to take away sums.

Max – I did great writing this week and was the star writer.



An AWESOME week in P7b!

Miss Noble presented the Prefects with their badges and discussed how impressed she is with all the Prefects so far. All Buddies also received their badges. We are very proud to wear these and represent our school!

Our Pupil Leadership Team was also announced this week.
Head Boy: Shay Hamilton
Deputy Head Boy: Ross Fairley

Head Girl: Grace Guest
Deputy Head Girl: Isabel Drago Ferrante

The team met with the Parent Council on Monday evening and they also had the opportunity to give their first tour of the school to visitors in the school on Thursday. Congratulations!

We have been very busy this week running our House Captain Campaigns. This has involved making posters and rosettes, creating slogans and logos as well as working together in small teams. The candidates are very excited about presenting to the houses next Friday!

We worked in our Literacy Circle groups to discuss our new novels and our Literacy Circle homework is due next Wednesday.

We are very proud of Kayleigh Patterson who was a national finalist for her Inspire Aspire entry. Well done!

We hope you all have a lovely long weekend.

P7b and Miss Brown.

P4a Learning Experiences

This week in P4a, we have learned lots about Roald Dahl as it is the 100 year anniversary of his birth. We watched some film clips and read a factfile to find lots of interesting things about his life. We practised writing in sentences to show what we had learned. We also chose characters from Fantastic Mr Fox to draw and write about. We tried to use “wow” words – interesting adjectives – to describe them. The most popular character in our class was Farmer Bean.

In topic maths, we have been measuring capacity and volume using the water tray. We discovered that cups are different sizes so they are not the best thing to measure with! Next week we will instead be using litres and millilitres. In number maths we have been revising numbers and place value using tens and units. Next week, we will be moving on to bigger numbers including hundreds and thousands. To improve our mental maths and quick recall of facts, we have started Big Maths Beat That tests. We have also begun practising setting out our maths work neatly in our jotters.

As part of our Wonderful Water topic, we have set up a science experiment. We have put water into two tubs and covered one with clingfilm. We were careful to make sure this was a fair test so we used the same size of tubs and amount of water. We have made predictions about what will happen to the water in the tubs and we will find out next week!

Our Class Charter is now finished with UNCRC articles and friendship pictures. We have said what we think we need to do and what adults need to do to make sure all children have their rights. We have been learning more about the Paralympics and Team GB. The Paralympic values are: courage, equality, inspiration and determination. We love the Paralympic mascot Tom! We enjoyed watching Stephen Clegg competing in the swimming finals as we remember when he came into school to visit last session.

A fun week of learning in P3b

We have had a busy time in P3b this week! We started the week with a dance session with dance teacher Amy, where we enjoyed some contemporary dancing with a ‘Scottish twist’! We are looking forward to learning the next part of the dance routine on Monday 26th!

Ronald Dahl has been a big focus this week as it was his 100th birthday on Tuesday. We LOVE Roald Dahl in P3b and have had many laughs reading ‘The Twits’! This week, we have been creating Mr Twit’s beard and even finding out our names if we were a Roald Dahl character! Come and ask us more about it! We have also been talking about adjectives and coming up with some amazing examples to describe The Twits and other characters we have created this week!

On Wednesday at PE, we worked in teams and played the ‘raft game’- come and ask more about it and why we had to work together to be successful!

I maths we have been looking at ‘tens and ones’ and partitioning numbers. We are experts now at splitting numbers like 65 into tens and ones. We know that there are 6 sets of ten in 65 and 5 ‘ones’ left over! We have also been developing our mental arithmetic skills everyday, too!

We hope everyone has a lovely holiday weekend!

Another busy week in Primary 3a

In numeracy we have been learning how to partition numbers into tens and ones and now know the difference between a pictogram and a block graph. We have been keeping an eye on the Paralympic medal table and using the information to create graphs and tables.

To celebrate the centenary of Roald Dahl’s birthday we created beards for Mr Twit. We have also been looking at “Gobblefunk”, Roald Dahl’s own wonderful language. In our class we now have new pupils called “The Gloriumptious Hornswaggler”, “The Frightsome Bootboggler” and “The Frightsome Boggis”.

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We are lucky this term to have Amy teaching us Scottish Street Dancing and we have created our own dances.

Over the next two weeks we will be working on our assembly on Thoughtfulness. All our parents, carers and friends are invited to this assembly on Friday 30th September. We look forward to seeing you all there.

It’s amazing what you can learn in 4 weeks!!!

The boys and girls in Primary One have made a great start to their learning and are settling into school so well.

In Numeracy we have been learning to recognise and name numbers 0-10, counting forwards and backwards and counting the number of dots in patterns as well as trying to make our own dot patterns. At home, games which use dice and dominoes can help us recognise these patterns.

In Literacy we have been learning the following sounds: m,c,k,s,a,i,p,t,n,f,b,h,e,o,u and d. We are learning how to blend/crash these sounds together to make words. Here are some words for you to practise building at home, using the sounds in our tubs: map mat man cat cap can sit sip tin tap tan pen ten hen

We have also started learning some key words for our reading books. Please help us to practise these words when we bring them home on Friday by playing games such as matching pairs with the words.

Countdown number challenge in P7b

P7b were given a ‘Countdown’ style challenge as part of our mental maths today. We were given a target total and 6 numbers, we could only use each number once. We explored different approaches and came very close to the target total.

Can anyone help us or come up with a solution?

Target total: 598

100 50 25 4 9 10

-Remember each number can only be used once.
-You can use any operation e.g addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.

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