JYHS – ‘German Adventure’

Both the P7 classes really enjoyed themselves this morning at JYHS. They engaged in a modern languages event called ‘The German Adventure’. There, they were able to work with S1 pupils and P7 pupils from another school.


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P7 classes 🙂

Primary 7a – 30/9/16

Another busy week!

‘Terrific Tuesdays’ started! Thank you to all the parents who attended and were able to see a glimpse of some of the learning that takes place in our class. We’re looking forward to ‘iSpend’ next Tuesday 4th October.

Some of us attended an athletic’s festival with Miss Brown and really enjoyed ourselves!

In our topic, ‘Citizen 7’, we were continuing to look at democracy and dictatorship. Next week, we’ll be looking at debating skills and be working in groups with P7b to have further develop our debating skills.

We really enjoyed our McMillan coffee morning  and enjoyed wearing green! We look forward to seeing the finished calendar!

Next week, we have lots going on! ‘iSpend’, preparations for Dalguise camp, National Poetry Day, a modern languages transition event at JYHS and some of us will be attending a cross country event too!


P7a & Miss G 🙂

Primary 4b – 30/9/16

In numeracy, we have now gone as far as thousands, hundreds, tens and units. We should now be able to write a 2, 3 or even a 4 digit number with the correct place value. In volume and capacity, we are now able to measure using standard units (litres and milllitres).

In literacy, we finished The Twits by writing a descriptive setting for Mr and Mrs Twit. We used ‘green for growth’ to improve our writing this week. We have just started reading another Roald Dahl classic – The BFG.


In Science, we gathered the results of our water experiment from last week. We discovered that the tub of water that had been left uncovered had lost the most water. This is because it wasn’t protected from the sun. We call this process evaporation.



P3a – 30.9.16

This has been a another busy week in P3a, preparing for our first class assembly on the value of thoughtfulness. We worked hard learning our lines, rehearsing our Mr Twit and Good Samaritan dramas, singing our songs and presenting what we have learned about thoughtfulness.

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Thanks to all our parents, carers and friends who came along this morning to watch our assembly. I think you will all agree that we have lots of talented children in Primary 3a!

P7b 30.9.16

On Monday Our House Captains were announced:

Houston: Shefali Mathur and Gregor Hollis

Alderstone: Harry Coupar and Alex Coyle

Howden: Finlay MacDonald and Jules Goodwin

Limefield: Scott Cooke and Natalie MacGillvray

Well done to all the candidates and their campaign groups for all their hard work!

On Thursday some of the P7 pupils attended an event at Craigswood Sports Centre. We had a great afternoon taking part in a variety of athletics activities. We took part in activities such as long jump, sprinting and relay race. We are awaiting the results to see how we got on! We tried our very best and demonstrated great sportsmanship!

Some P7 pupils stayed at school with Ms MacDonald and created presentations about the daily life of an MSP. We used devices to carry out research and work collaboratively to put together a presentation to share our findings.

We enjoyed parents visiting our class on Tuesday to share our learning and join us for our morning starter activity.

Comments from pupils:

“I really enjoyed going to the Athletics festival because it was great fun but also tiring!” Alexander

Miss Brown and P7b

P4a Update – 30.9.16

This has been a really busy week in P4a as we were working hard to prepare for our class assembly about the value of Thoughtfulness. We had lines to learn and practise at home. We had songs to sing and actions to add. It was great fun making up our drama sketches, taking photos and filming our library video clips. We learned a little about the work of the MacMillan Cancer Support charity and we were proud to link this charity with the value of thoughtfulness. We did a great job presenting the first P4-7 class assembly of the year and we would like to thank our parents and carers who helped us practise at home and also came to watch as part of the audience. (N.B. The green balloons were recovered safely!!!)

In maths, we have been measuring capacity and volume in litres and millilitres. We all got to investigate this at the water tray. We should now have a look at home to see what items we can find that have been measured in litres and millilitres, e.g. fruit juice or shampoo. We have also been working with bigger numbers including thousands, hundreds, tens and units. Some of us even worked with numbers including tens of thousands!

P4a have begun NYCOS music lessons with Mrs Poynter. She will be helping us to learn more about rhythm and keeping the beat, as well as reading and writing music. This will all be done through fun games and songs and the course will run up to the Christmas holidays.

In language, we have been continuing our study of Fantastic Mr Fox and have explored the setting for this story. We also wrote an imaginative story about what might happen next to Mr Fox and his friends. This was an assessment piece of writing to help identify our next steps in writing. We started our spelling homework properly and we had our first spelling patterns and tricky words to practise.

In P.E., we have continued to work on our tennis skills with the tennis coach Eoin. Mr Muldoon has also been helping us to develop our fitness further through partner activities. We enjoyed welcoming parents and carers into class for our first Terrific Tuesday. There was lots of fun to be had with the games and activities. We dressed up in green to support the MacMillan Cancer Support charity and we took part in the coffee morning by singing one of our assembly songs.

What a busy week we have had!


Busy week in Primary One

We enjoyed being part of a whole school celebration to raise awareness and money for MacMillan.
We loved watching Primary 3B’s assembly and we will be thinking and discussing in class the value of thoughtfulness. Can you help us to think of ways how to be thoughtful to others?
Here are our new sounds – z, l, r, w, j and some words to make with them – rug, jug, lip, win, lid, zip and leg.
If you have time this weekend you can go on a number hunt. We have been reinforcing number recognition of numbers to 6.

What has been happening in P2 this week?

Sam the Snail was really curious to find out what we liked playing with at the park. We used this information to make a pictograph. Next week we are going to carry out a survey in other classes to find out what they like playing with at the park. Our teachers are going to show us a different way to present this information.

We have been practising counting backwards from 60. It can be tricky to remember what happens when we reach each new 10 number. Please help us to practise this at home.

Primary 2 are being super sound detectives and spotting words with the long vowel  i-e   ie    igh    y    sound. I wonder can you find anymore at the weekend?

Some of the children’s highlights for this week are:

Sam T : I love working the answers out to a new kind of missing number sum.

Jessica S : I enjoyed doing my sums in my jotter.

Orla : I enjoyed learning about the story of “The Lost Sheep”.

Logan : I managed to spot the ‘igh’ sound in thigh.

Kier : I have learned to draw neatly.

Chloe : I enjoyed Golden Time.


Primary 5B News Sep 30th

Primary 5B have been taking part in the schools Macmillan event to raise money. We have all come in today wearing green.

Earlier in the week we started our Footsall programme. The girls are the current champions in ‘Nasty or Nice’ our maths game. We had our first Terrific Tuesday and it was great doing some activities with parents. We look forward to next Tuesday’s Ispend event.
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P6 1st skiing experience

imageimageOn Thursday, 29th September, p6 went for their first skiing experience. First we went and got our skis and ski boots, it felt weird like we were taking our first steps again! Afterwards we got our helmets and went to the slopes. We started on the yellow section with one ski to practise our balance, it was like being on a scooter except without handlebars.Then once we were confident we put both skis on and side stepped up in our skis to one of the three poles we went round the pole and skied down the slopes. Then we moved one pole higher and repeated the step. On the last pole time was almost up we quickly took off our skis and boots and put them away. Unfortunately our first skiing experience was over,time really does fly when you are having fun! We are now really looking forward to next week. By Alix and Abbie

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