11.11.2016 This week in Primary One

This week our time machines took us to see Super Gran’s house. It was great fun comparing her house to the houses we live in nowadays. We are looking forward to learning more about the rooms in her house.

Our special sound this week is ‘sh’ and we spotted so many ‘sh’ words in our stories and books. We love practising all the sounds that we have learned so far. We also learned two new Tricky Words – ‘to’ and ‘do’. Next week we are going to show our teachers how well we can read and recognise the first 10 Tricky Words.

The new number of the week is 15 and we spent time every day to practise counting to it and backwards. We feel that we need to practise counting backwards some more. Please help us count at home.

We also had a Remembrance Assembly at school today and we all took part in a whole school  two minute silence.

Friday 11th November – This Week in Primary 4B

This week in Primary 4B we have been learning about the major bodies of water around the world, as part of our water topic and we had great fun in doing so! It proved to be an interesting lesson and Mr Mackie was impressed with the atlas and mapping skills in amongst the class! We have all managed to locate the world’s five main oceans but can you identify them by name? Some of us even located other major seas and principal rivers.

Fairtrade School

We are delighted to announce that we have once again been awarded the Fairtrade School Award. This award is now called the FairAchiever Award. This award recognises our school community’s support of Fairtrade through our curriculum, policies and special events. Thank you to all pupils, staff and parents who help us support Fairtrade. This year the Fairtrade Group will continue to lead the school in developing this work further.


Primary One time travellers!!

101_4606 101_4610 101_4612 101_4617 101_4618 101_4621This week we were ever so excited to meet Nancy, AKA Super Gran! She will be helping us learn about the past and what it was like when she was a little girl. This week we had a look at her suitcase full of things that were special to her. Everything looked and smelt so old. We had to resist the temptation to try one of her favourite rhubarb and custard sweets!

We then got to work designing and building our own time machines to take us back to when Super Gran was a girl.

When she visits next week we will be looking at how houses have changed over the years. 101_4629pb040919Maybe if you have time at the weekend you could take a local walk and look at and talk about the different housing in the area.

This week we have learnt the ee and oo long vowel sounds. Please practise these, and all other sounds, at home. Ask us what happens to our mouth shape when we make these sounds.

We have also learnt tricky words be and was and are becoming very good at spotting these in books we are reading.

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who received a certificate at this year’s first achievement assembly. We are so proud of ALL the children and what they have achieved so far this year so it was very difficult to pick 5 special people!

Our week in P4a – w.b. 31.10.16

It’s been a quick week in P4a! Our student teacher Mrs Knowles, has been helping us with our learning a lot.

In Language, we have been writing fireworks poems as not only is it Bonfire Night soon, but it was also Diwali last weekend – both occasions where fireworks are popular! We learned about onomatopoeic words that sound like the sound that they describe. This was very useful for writing about fireworks. We also started a new listening activity to help improve our skills in listening for instructions – hopefully we will get better and better as the weeks go on! Some of us completed character studies on characters from Stanley and the Magic Lamp and these are displayed in our classroom.

In Maths, we have been continuing with our Number Talks – where we discuss calculations and our strategies for finding the answer. We are focusing on addition and subtraction at the moment. We need to know our number bonds to 20 really well – please help us practise these at home with games and quizzes- as these will help us to add and subtract bigger numbers. We have also started a new maths topic on symmetry where we have been investigating shapes, pictures and patterns to find a line of symmetry. We also have made our own symmetrical pictures and patterns. We could look at home and in the environment to see if we can find any symmetrical objects or pictures – we could even take a photo and bring it in to school to show our class.

In RME, we have been finding out about the practices and traditions of the Hindu festival of Diwali. We heard the story of Rama and Sita. We made Diwali cards and a display about the festival. In Health, we discussed how to be safe on Bonfire Night and studied the Firework Safety Code. We then worked in a group to make a poster to tell others how to stay safe. In Music, we have begun to learn how to read and write music notation and had fun clapping out our rhythms.

This term we have a grid to complete as the main part of our homework. Some activities we are to complete weekly as usual – spelling, reading, maths – and the others we can complete in any order and should be returned to school by 9th December.



P2/1 and P2

This week we have been celebrating the successes in our classrooms. Congratulations to the children who received achievement certificates at  Assembly.


This week we have been enjoying using our  French phrase of the week :

Bonjour  Salut  Au revoir  Bon week-end 

Why not try using these phrases this weekend ?

We have been busy practising our oi/oy sounds and enjoying lots of word building activities. Why not be a sound detective and find words with these sounds when you are out and about at the weekend?


Primary 7a – 4/1/16

We’ve had a busy week again this week!

On Wednesday, we went to the ‘Risk Factory’ in Edinburgh, where we learned how to react in emergency situations and what the dangers of fire/trains/cars/bike/internet/farms/electricity include.

We started selling poppies to the whole school in aid of ‘Remebrance Day’ 2016. We have also been working on our ‘Remembrance’ assembly next week.

Some of us attended JYHS last night for our P7 information evening. We really enjoyed it!

We all had our parent’s evenings this week too! We all did really well and had lots of things to be smiling about!

Our school photos were taken on Monday too!

Today, we had our achievement assembly – Well done to Aaron, Ruby, Gregor & Laura who received certificates!

We’re looking forward to next week, as we’ll be practicing our assembly in the big hall, Pupil Leadership groups, Reflective spaces and a Tobacco workshop!


P7a & Miss G

P2/1 and P2

What a fantastic week we have had. We had the magic show on Wednesday with ‘ Tricky Ricky’ and our day at the park on Thursday. The park was so good that we have already asked our teachers when can we go back? Our teachers have suggested we could do this with our parents at the weekend. Our sound for this week was ‘ au/aw’. Finding words with these sounds was very challenging . Perhaps you could look for some at the weekend when you are out and about? We have been building our mental maths skills with addition and subtraction and trying to find the most efficient strategy. We know we will get better and better as we continue to practise these skills. We had to self – evaluate our learning ready for parents’ evening next week. Our teachers encouraged us to be honest and think about what we are good at as well as what we would like to get better at. Our teachers enjoyed reading how we spent our October holiday and were very impressed with our writing.



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