What’s been happening in P1 this week? 27.1.17

In Numeracy this week we have been practising our counting skills and even counting in 2s! This is helping us to learn about odd and even numbers. We have also enjoyed learning to sort objects by colour, shape and size.

In Literacy this week we have learnt how to blend s with other sounds and have been making words beginning with st, sp, sl, sm, sn, sk and sc. We love playing games when our teachers give us a letter, muddle us up and then see if we can use our sounding out skills to make a given word eg spot, stop. Perhaps this is a game you could play with the sounds in our sound tubs this weekend?

This week we learnt about our sense of smell. We had to guess what was in the cups just by smelling it. Some of the smells were nicer than others….we really didn’t like the vinegar!

We have enjoyed opportunities to celebrate Burns day at the poetry competition and singalong. We were so proud of Daniel, Eli, Erin, Joshua, Rory and Sophie for reciting their poems in front of an audience.

Hi from P7b 27.1.17

It has been another busy but exciting week in P7b!

In maths we have been working particularly hard on factions. The focus this week has been how to calculate a fraction of an amount. We have found this challenging at times but also enjoyable. As part of our number talks we have been focusing on dividing and multiplying by 10 and 100, including with decimals.

We are proud of ourselves for working hard to learn and recite a Scot’s poem. It was difficult learning the Scot’s language but we persevered and recited our poems for our peers. A particular well done to Shay Hamilton, Iain Haywood and Finlay MacDonald who represented our class at the P4-7 competition. We are proud of you!

We were lucky enough to welcome Jacob and Erin’s Grandad into our class this week. He grew up in London during WW2 and shared many of his experiences with us. It was so interesting to see how different, but similar in ways, his childhood was compared to ours.

Today we handed in our WW2 personal projects. We have worked incredibly hard on these and cannot wait to present them to our peers next week.

Well done to P7a for an excellent assembly on perseverance today!

Bon weekend!

From P7b and Miss Brown

Primary 3a – 20.1.17

We have had another busy week in Primary 3a.

In topic maths we now know how to use a compass and can identify right angles around the classroom. In our number work we have been concentrating on subtraction.

We have enjoyed reciting our Scots poems. Our teachers are going to have a very difficult job choosing their top three to go through to the school competition next Thursday.

There was great excitement in class when it was announced that “Shark in the Park!” won the Bookbug Prize 2017. It is a worthy winner and was Williamston’s favourite during Book Week Scotland.

Jackie from NYCOS led a singing workshop yesterday. We learned about pulse, rhythm and beat and had lots of fun playing singing games. We also enjoyed singing Scots songs with Mrs Dare. Our favourite song was “Red Yoyo”.

Gavin from the Scripture Union came into school this morning to lead an assembly on Perseverance. He taught us that perseverance means never giving up. Back in class we created challenges which require perseverance. We are sure to have fun next week trying these challenges.

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P4a’s busy busy week!

Another busy week in P4a…

In Language, we have been learning our Scottish poems for homework and we have been reciting them in our class competition. We all tried hard to remember the lines, add actions and perform them with expression. We have been giving peer feedback on the good things about the performances and things that we could improve – using 2 Stars and a Wish. We also learned how to write a letter by setting it out with the date and address at the top. The letter was inspired by our class novel Charlotte’s Web and it was to persuade Fern’s Dad or Uncle to let her keep Wilbur the pig.

In Maths, we have continued developing our knowledge and understanding of multiplication and division. Our focus this week was the 2, 4, and 8 times tables and how they are related. We made array patterns at school and home to help us with this. We also did a problem-solving task where we worked with a partner to find solutions using different resources such as blocks and lego.

In our Water Topic, we have been working in our groups to finish our posters about saving water and to prepare our speeches  We are working with our Indian partner school in Mumbai on this topic. The children there have also been preparing campaigns to encourage people to use water wisely. We are hoping to hold an online meeting with them soon to share our ideas.

In Drama with Mrs Thomson, we have learned another Scottish poem called Address to the Toothache by Robert Burns. We have been acting it out in pairs and trios and some of us will be preforming this at the Scottish Evening soon.

In Art with Miss Trotter, we have been learning about the Japanese artist Katsushika Hokusai and looking at some of his paintings and prints. We used our brand new sketch books to draw some sketches of our own. We will use these in our art lessons over the next few weeks.

In P.E., we started Futsal lessons with our coach Laura. We practised skills like the step over and drag back and played some team games. In yoga this week we went on a journey to the Arctic and made arctic poses. In Dance, we started our topic on Scottish ceilidh dancing and practised some of the steps while keeping in time to the music. We will be revising some dances we learned in P3 and then learning some new ones.

In French, we had a session with Mrs Kasparek the French Teacher. She helped us learn about food and shopping and asked us to research French sweets. We will have another lesson next week.

Au Revoir!

P2/1 and P2A

After some practice we are so much better at counting forwards and backwards in tens. We have even been doing it off the decade. How clever are we.

Our teachers loved listening to our Scottish Poems, it was very difficult to choose children to present their poem at our Scottish Assembly next week. We are looking forward to hearing  the other boys and girls from Primary 1 to Primary 3 say their poems.

P2/1 had a visit from a special visitor on Wednesday afternoon. He brought an old photo album with him. He is going to help us find out what it was like when he went to school. You could talk to your Grandparents about what  it was like when they were at school. I wonder what we will discover?


20/1/17 – Primary 7a

Busy times in P7a this week!

This week, we started learning about the value of the month, perseverance. We also started to prepare for our assembly next Friday 27th January – All parents/carers etc welcome at 9:05am.

We had a visit from Gavin Thomson who delivered a lesson to us on perseverance – This will help us with our assembly preparations.

We learned and prepared our Scottish poems for the competition this week. Miss Gardiner was VERY impressed with us! It was a hard decision, but the class voted and Hannah, Rebecca & Abbie had the most votes and are through to the final round! Exciting times! Well done, girls!

In maths, we started some revision on fractions and next week, will be further developing our knowledge.

In writing this week, we focused on characters and setting. We also focused on the layout and structure for our imagintive stories.

**Reminder – Our WW2 projects are due next Friday 27th January.

Primary 7a & Miss G 🙂

What has been happening this week in P1B

We have had another very busy week at school. These are some of the things that we enjoyed learning about and practising this week:

Erin and Jack really enjoyed learning about the 5 senses. This week we focused on the sense of hearing.

We have been working hard to learn to tell o’clock on both analogue and digital clock. Summer, Charlotte, Irvine and Robbie like playing time games to help them develop this skill.

Amina enjoyed counting to the number of the week and backwards. This week our special number is 21 and we did lots of activities to help us learn all about it.

Robbie and Sophie enjoyed learning about our new sound. We now know how to read and write the sound ‘ck’. We were very excited when we could find words with that sound in our reading books.

Daniel was pleased when we received another clue from the Friendly Dragon. This week we were helping Jack from ‘Jack and the Beanstalk’. Everybody wanted to help and we all made leaves to help build a beanstalk in our classroom. It looks lovely!

Adam, Eniileri, Logan and Zain enjoyed writing letters to the Friendly Dragon telling him what we have been up to this week. We can’t wait to see what our next challenge from the Dragon would be!

P7b 13/1/17

This week we have spent time analysing our Scot’s poems. We have been looking up words and phrases that we are not sure of the meaning of and putting time into learning our poems.

In PE we have started a block gymnastics. With Mr Muldoon we have been doing balances and different types of rolls. With Miss Brown we have been working together to do partner and group balances.

At home we have been working incredibly hard on our WW2 personal projects. These are due on Friday 27th January.

In maths, we had a little maths assessment on mental multiplication and division to help us see how much progress we have made.

Our value of the month is perseverance and we took part in a reflective spaces workshop with Darren. This allowed us to reflect on this value and think about times where we have had to show perseverance. We took part in activities such as puzzles, building a card stack and writing letters to a friend to encourage them to not give up and try their best.

As part of our WW2 topic, we have been making gas masks and learning more about rationing. We have also been exploring how Jewish people were treated during WW2 and what laws were made that impacted their lives.

Bon weekend.

P7b and Miss Brown

What has been happening in P2/1 and P2 this week?

Happy New Year from P2/1 and P2. 2017 will be an exciting year with lots of new learning happening.

This week we were learning words with the ue/u_e , oo, ew sound . We were so excited to use our little red spelling jotters to show our teachers how good we are at writing our words.  Our teachers were very  impressed with us.

We are getting really confident counting forwards and backwards within 100. We started counting up and backwards in 10. We need to be extra careful when we are counting backwards in tens and remembering it is 30, 20, 10, not 30, 12, 10 .

In P2/1, our teacher was very impressed when we discovered that shapes with straight edges are better for tiling than shapes with a curved edge. We loved making our own tiling patterns.

Our teachers hope we have been busy at home practising our Scottish poems and cannot wait to hear them next week in class.

Some thoughts from the children :

Carlie and Mekhi loved counting in 10s.

Jasmine and Lily really enjoyed sharing counters into equal groups.

Daniel enjoyed completing his add on sums.

Sam loved completing add on , take away and missing number sums in his jotter.

Lyle loved listening to the Scottish music.


Leah really enjoyed practising a dance routing for  the upcoming  p2 Assembly on Perseverance.

Rebekah enjoyed a lovely calm week in school.

Owen loved being the catcher during banana tig in P.E

Amy loved discovering what new activities were in the blue maths baskets.

Ruaridh could not stop building 3D shapes using ‘ polydron.’


What we have been learning this week in P1A 13.1.17

Happy New Year to all our families. After a lovely long holiday our brains are ready to start learning again and we have had such a busy week! Here are some of the things we have enjoyed learning this week:

Zeno enjoyed learning about our sense of hearing. Bobby and Finn liked learning about how our nerves take messages to our brains.

Joshua enjoyed looking for rhyming words in our Dr Seuss story.

Thomas, Sadie and Sophie have enjoyed learning to tell the time.

Matthew enjoyed our assembly about equality. Alex and McKenzie liked the new songs we learned.

Jamie enjoyed learning about how water changes to ice in Science.

Isla, Ella, Daisy, Aria and Madison are excited about our new Fairyland topic and are looking forward to building Fairyland in the classroom. Rory and Alfie enjoyed writing descriptions of what they thought the Fairyland dragon would be like. Harry and Alexis are wondering what the dragon actually looks like.

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