Read Write Inc.

What do you like to READ?

Read Write Inc. is a reading intervention to help support learning within reading, aimed at P2-P5 children. Our Read Write Inc. programme provides a cohesive and creative approach to teaching children to read.

Here are some links for a little flavor of the teaching approaches if you want to have a browse at home…

How to teach sounds at home – this video will also help you check your pure sound pronunciation:

Parent Tutorial: Teaching Sound Blending

Fred talk blending:

How to teach a ditty at home:


Target Setting

A really important part of a learner’s journey through school focuses on these key questions:

  1. What do you know?
  2. What do you enjoy/like?
  3. What would you like to get better at?
  4. How can we make these improvements?

Taking this into consideration, these last few weeks have involved lots of planned learner-teacher conversations, assessments and planned support interventions. There will be an opportunity to speak more about this process at the upcoming parent consultations, but for now, here’s just one way we have been documenting this… TARGET SETTING…

P7 end of year event – a message from the PSA

The Williamston PSA would like to let parents in P7A and B know that this year there will be a leavers event for the end of P7. The PSA are looking for volunteers to help arrange this. They are hoping to host the first meeting in December. A flier is due to go home later to let parents know more details. The budget is currently £10 per student but the PSA are looking to host a bake sale to raise further funds. If you are interested please contact the PSA by email. Thank you.

Support for Learning 2017-2018

Thank you to all the parents and carers who made it to Meet the Teacher, it was great to speak to lots of you and introduce myself and some of our team around Support for Learning.

If you couldn’t make it not worry, above you will see our key messages around Support for Learning this year.


Our S f L vision: Support for all learners, in all classrooms, by all staff. 

Where possible, the majority of support for our learners will take place in their own classrooms, with support from the class teacher, myself, pupil support workers, specialist staff and/or other agencies where relevant.

A huge focus for us this year at Williamston is both Numeracy and Literacy and these are our key areas of targeted support for Nursery to P7 children. Additionally we are hoping to start a nurture group, based around health and well-being needs and developing life skills…

P5a’s First Fabulous Fortnight!

Hi, we are back! And we have had a fabulous fortnight in P5!

We are enjoying being back together in our classroom. We now have a V.I.P. table as a special reward plus we can earn class points every day.

We have been working on our class charter and cloakroom rules to make sure we are safe and happy in school. We have been looking at different UNCRC articles and relating our classroom rules to these. Our class charter has a minion theme this year. We have also been discussing in groups how we are Safe, Healthy, Active, Nurtured, Achieving, Respected, Responsible and Included (SHANARRI) at home, in school and in other places.

This year we will be working on improving reading experiences at school. We have enjoyed our first few DEAR sessions – Drop Everything And Read. We have been talking about our favourite books and made a display about this.

Our topic this term will be Incredible India and we will be learning about the country and culture. Luckily the children from our partner school in Mumbia (The Universal School) will be able to help us with this!

This term we will be having drama lessons with Mrs Thomson. Our lessons will be based on our class novel “Nina and the Travelling Spice Shed” and will involve us journeying around India! Mrs Poynter, the music specialist teacher, is looking for some new recruits for playing brass instruments. We will get the opportunity to try out for this if we wish.

We enjoyed our Fencing Taster Session with John (the coach). We got to wear the helmets and use the swords too. We have the opportunity to take part in a Fencing after-school club – so some us may wish to apply for this. This term we will have indoor P.E. on a Monday and outdoor P.E. on a Wednesday – we need to bring in appropriate kits for this as soon as possible.

Outdoor Learning will be a big focus for us this year and we are lucky to have Miss Allcoat twice a week for this. In one lesson she will be helping us develop our teamwork skills and in the other lesson we will have the opportunity to learn more maths outside. We need outdoor clothing for this – a waterproof jacket with a hood and appropriate footwear to change into (wellies, boots, trainers or similar). We need to bring this to school as soon as possible and keep it in school for outdoor learning activities.

In Art, we have practised drawing our portraits and these will be displayed in the entrance hall. Our colour is yellow – look out for them! The portraits of Mary Queen of Scots, that we painted at the end of P4, are now on display in our classroom.

That’s all for now!

Hello – Support for Learning!

Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Guten-Tag, Namaste, Ciao, Salaam…

It’s Mrs K. Gray here and I’d like to introduce myself as the new Additional Support for Learning Coordinator. This is especially for all of those boys and girls who keep asking me what class I have, where I am and what I am doing 🙂

I’m so lucky that I will get to see lots of you across the classes and hopefully, along with our fabulous staff team, help to maximise learning for all.

I would love to hear teacher, PSW, learner, parent and any member of our school community and wider education community’s thoughts around Support for Learning…

  1. What is Support for Learning?
  2. What does it look like?
  3. How could we make it even better?
What is Support for Learning? Some ideas…

Be The Best You Can Be!

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