Art and design in P3

Our IDL topic this term is houses, homes and castles. We have enjoyed learning about the different parts of a castle and the significance of these different parts.

Stella – Arrow loops are very thin so no one can see them shooting the arrows.

Kiera – Drawbridge – it can be pulled up when the enemy is coming and it lets people out of the castle.

Jessica – The Portcullis is metal and it stops people getting in the castle when the drawbridge is down.

Scarlette – The moat stops the enemy from getting into the castle.

karlie – The battlements are at the top of the castle walls and they are special because the soldiers can hide behind them and then look out and shoot out if enemies are coming.

Annalee – The Bailey is inside the castle.

Bonnie – People do different jobs in the Bailey. The animal stables are in the Bailey.

Peter – The turrets are on the top of the castle.

Ellie – The Keep is the safest part of the castle and the King and Queen can hide there if the castle is attacked.

We decided we wanted to make a castle in our classroom. We discussed how we could do this and what materials we could use. Mrs Gaffney managed to find a very large cardboard box and we got to work. To begin, we looked at castles other people had made which gave us ideas and inspiration. Some of us then drew out a design on the board and we decided what we wanted to include with our castle. One of the main parts we wanted was a drawbridge. We had a great discussion trying to work out how we could make the drawbridge go up and down.  Some of us used measuring tapes to work out how big we needed to make the castle to fit along the wall. This week we drew out our design and painted parts of the castle.

Another fun filled week in Primary 1S

We have had another super learning week in Primary 1S, what a great learning team we are.

A visit to the school garden resulted in lots of vegetables found. We were all super excited to find out what was growing under the soil. Carrots, potatoes, leeks and onions were all found.


We took all our vegetables back to our classroom to share them out to take home. We then cleaned  the vegetables and chopped them up to make soup in the classroom.

We had soup with bread and butter, some of us loved the soup and some of us did not like it but that’s okay as we all like different things. Everyone enjoyed washing, peeling and chopping the vegetables, even if we didn’t want to taste the soup.

Everyone is doing very well learning how to use some of the technology we have in the classroom. The focus has been logging into the iPads independently and scanning QR codes. We all did very well!

For our topic we are thinking “all about me”, how old we are, our names, how we are unique and special and how we all belong to a family, our family at home and our school family. We have created lovey family pictures.

Books are amazing and we are trying to develop a reading culture in the class and although we cannot read yet we are very good at looking at pictures in books and thinking about what the story could be. Reading for enjoyment 📚😀

Have a lovely weekend!


Another Fantastic Week In Primary 1 M !

Our amazing superstars in P1 M have had another fantastic week in P1 M.   Everyone has settled in well .

At Outdoor Learning we went on a hunt for living and non living things.

We visited the Trim Trail and had great fun balancing , and climbing .

We learned 4 new sounds this week !

We counted forwards and backwards to 10 and even tried to 20 !

We have also started brushing our teeth after lunch to keep them extra healthy !




Primary 1 M What a busy week !

What a lot of new things we learned this week.

One of our new sounds was i , for insect .  At Outdoor Learning time we searched for insects !

We explored our school grounds and had a good look around the Trim Trail, Outdoor Classroom , The Shed, and The Garden.

We played games , rolled down the grass and had races. We had great fun.


We learned lots of new skills at PE

We read, ordered and wrote numbers up to 20.


What a busy week !

Primary 1S

Another super week in P1s.

We have been learning all about our rights!

We are very proud at St Mary’s to be a Rights Respecting School silver award holder. In Primary 1 we have been focusing on five rights:

Article 1 – Everyone under 18 has these rights.

Article 2 – All children have these rights.

Article 3 –  Adults must do what is best for me.

Article 19 – I have the right to be protected from being hurt or badly treated.

Article 31 – I have the right to relax and play.

We have also been learning about our school values, we have been focusing on being respectful and all agreed to  try hard to follow them. We know that our school values are on our school badge and we have them on our class wall.




At PE we have been learning lots of new skills while having fun!

On top of all our learning we have also had time to have fun outdoors and using loose parts and messy play.

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

Rights Respecting Schools – Primary 3

Rights Respecting School | Musselburgh Burgh Primary SchoolRIGHTS   RESPECTING   SCHOOLS

At St. Mary’s we are proud to be a UNICEF UK Silver: Rights Aware school.  The Right Respecting Schools Award recognises achievement in putting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of a school’s practice and ethos.

Over the past few weeks we have been  learning more about Rights Respecting Schools.  In P3 we know that all of The UNCRC consists of 54 articles that set out children’s rights.  All of them are important and we  have been focusing on 6 individual rights and in class we created our own class charter. The charter helps everyone to understand the role they play in upholding their rights and those of others.  Also, children have been asked to consider the ways in which adults could support them to make effective choices.

By making our children aware of their rights and how they can respect these, we hope that they can make informed decisions about their learning, health and well-being and become rights-respecting global citizens.

The six articles we are focusing on in P3 are as follows:

Article 1 – All children under the age of 18 has rights.

Article 2 – All children have these rights, no matter who they are.

Article 3 – All adults should make decisions based on what is best for you.

Article 12 – You have the right… to be heard.

Article 19 – You have the right… to be safe.

Article 28 – You have the right to… learn at school.

Primary 3 were asked what they thought about Rights in our school.  Some feedback from P3…

“You need them (rights) to be safe and there’s a lot of them”.

“It’s good to get a chance to have your say and tell everyone what you think”.

“We all have the same rights”.

“You have to be responsible with them.  Like, if you have the right to go to school, you need to listen so you learn”.

“Everyone in the class, even the whole school has got the same rights”.

“Our charter has all the rights on it that we are learning”.

“No one has the right to take away yours (rights)”.

“I like all the rights”.

“I like article 2 because it means we all have rights no matter what”.

“We should have respect“.



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