St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

June 2, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 27.05.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

Our highlights this week were:

  • Revising the different types of words we already know including, nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs and pronouns.
  • Learning about the different types of nouns and identifying them in different texts.
  • Identifying verbs, adjectives and adverbs in different texts.
  • Understanding what kinds of words are used the most when writing a recount.
  • Continuing our work on division and multiplication sums.
  • Continuing our work on 1 and 2 step word problems with perimeter and area.
  • Our beautiful Art work for Mary, Our Mother, which will be up until the end of P5.
  • Throughout the month of May, Month of Mary, we have learned about how Mary’s Meals have been helping children around the world and have felt very much touched by it. Day by day, we have learned about the amount of school meals they provide to children in each one of the countries they help.We have also learned about the contents of those meals and the economic and social situations of each one of those countries. Although sad and shocked by the terrible conditions most of those children live in, we felt that it was good to learn this, since it made us all much more grateful for what we have and the place we live in. Also, we started being Mary’s Meals BIG fans and now want to do as much as we can to help them! And we can happily say that our donations for Mary’s Meals on Friday have shown how much we care, since we managed to donate enough money to feed almost three children during a whole year! Just from P5A, Well done,P5A! Team work does make the dream work!🥰✨👏💕💕💕💕
  • We have also had the opportunity to work on our STEM Curiosity Box challenges for which we have been given a sheet of instructions and the resources and have been told to complete the challenges within small groups chosen by us. It was quite fun!🤔
  • Many congratulations to our Hot Chocolate from last week, Mr. Mason!!!!!!👏👏👏✨🥇Super well done! Mason is the first one to tidy up, likes to help others and always makes everyone smile.😃
  • Congratulations as well to Miss Nell, our Hot Chocolate of the week, for being a super welcoming friend and helping our new Ena settling in to our class and for making her feel so happy!♥🥰👏🥇✨
  • Well done to the Chamber of Secrets and the Half Blood Prince Tables for winning the Prize for best tables of the week!🏆🏆🥇🥇👏👏
  • Regarding our amazing Eco-School models, here are some amazing pictures of the whole process, we hope you like them!






That’s all for now!

We wish you a wonderful week ahead!

P5A and Mrs Valente😘😘


May 31, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 27th May

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the yellow table:

Riley liked building a football pitch out of blocks and then playing with a marble for a ball and finger players.

Ollie said the best part of his week was when we went around the school measuring. First we estimated.  Ollie enjoyed measuring a corridor the best and his estimation was very close for a radiator.  Good work Ollie!

Aadya loved Benchball.  During June, our PE will be linked to summer games and the Olympics.

Ethan liked Rounders and loves to record the results in tally marks.

Vivien said her highlight was music with Mrs Morrison.  The class watched  A Midsummer’s Night’s Dream on Cbeebies (

Diana said she liked learning about the meaning of the words in The Confiteor Prayer.  P3A will be learning to say this prayer during the month of June and should then be able to participate in it during Mass.

Linda liked writing a non-fiction story called ‘The Surprise’ that she planned last week.  Her story is about how she was surprised in P1 when she found out her friend from nursery was going to be in her class in her new school!  That was a great surprise!   This super story included an ‘orientation’, ‘sequence of events’ and concluded with a ‘personal statement’; all the features of a recount.  Well done Linda.

Hasika loved completing an instructional drawing of 2 hands shaking. This was part of our learning about conflict resolution.

Laura enjoyed making a teamwork poster with Mrs Brand.

My highlight was the beautiful singing when we learned the hymn ‘Peace, Perfect Peace’ (

Congratulations to Rory, our hot chocolate award winner this week.

Lead Learners were Deveena and Hasika.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Deveena – “I liked saying the Rosary”

Hasika – “I liked making a dog’s house.”



Mrs Brown

May 31, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 31/5/24

Dear Parents and Carers,

Primary 4 have had a busy and varied week. We have been creating PowerPoints based on the Olympic Games and are going to present them in front of the class next week! Our class has had great fun learning about all the different features of PowerPoint.  In numeracy, we have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions! Our class has also been learning about the bible story ” Samson and Delilah ” and  we had a super discussion about the message and moral of the story.  Primary 4 have have been extremely lucky and have visited the chicks in the nursery twice! We all thought they were very cute!! Friday was a dress down day and we continued to learn about the Mary’s Meals charity and the wonderful work it does for children all around the world. Here are some of our learning highlights:

Aiden and Ben- ” We enjoyed making our PowerPoints.”

John and Babafola- ” We enjoyed our art lesson where we made Olympic torches using a stain glass window effect.”

David S – ” Learning more about fractions was good fun! ”

Chiji-  ” Discussing our bible story was good fun! ”

Ruri – ” I liked learning about the work of the Mary’s Meals charity.”

Congratulations to Ben on being nominated for our Hot Chocolate Award this week.

Have a lovely weekend

Mrs Lea and Primary 4A

May 31, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 31st May 2024

This week we have been working hard recalling our sounds and common words P1 looked at cvc word building and a cvc reading game.  They also looked at a mixed up sentence and were able to sort it independently.  P2 wrote a recount of how to brush your teeth and they did some alphabetical ordering of words and they started to use a dictionary.

In Maths and Numeracy we looked at weighing and predicted how many cubes were needed to balance the scales with different things in it.  We also looked at addition and subtractioin and revised time.  We also had great fun using the BeeBots and programming them to move in different directions.

We started our new topic The Olympics we looked at videos and powerpoints telling us how the Olympics started and what happens.  We found out about the Olympic rings and what they stand for and we made our own Olympic torch with a flame.  We designed an Olympic mascot and wrote about it.  We also looked at medals and a podium and we made our own medals.

In Gym we practised the Javelin outside and worked on how far we could throw it.

On Friday we had a Dress Down Day and raised money for Marys Meals thank you for your generosity.


Weekly Highlights:

Katie ‘I enjoyed writing’

Hameedah ‘I liked making the Olympic rings’

Victoria ‘I liked making making the Olympic medals

Umaez ‘I liked using the Bee Bots

Khaleesi ‘I liked making the Olympic torch

Ellie ‘I liked writing and choosing time.

Congratulations to Khaleesi our Hot Chocolate Winner and to Ellie our Reading Champion.

Well done to our point winners this week also.

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we look forward to our last month of term.

May 26, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 20th May 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Tvisha enjoyed handwriting this week were the children were joining h and a together.  They came up with lots of words when they may need to use these letters.  Well done P3A!  I hope to see them joined from now on in your writing.

Hafsah said the best part of her week was listening to the Word Boost story, ‘The Highway Rat’.  Her favourite word to learn about was ‘freedom’.  We discussed how the children have freedom each afternoon during ‘Choosing our own Learning’ time.

Deveena liked learning how the apostrophe can also be used to shorten two words such as can’t instead of can not.  Previously we had learned about it being used to show possession.

Zion was delighted to learn about the life cycle of a frog as his was the creature chosen to learn about life cycles in our class vote, after learning about the life cycle of a seed.  Please remember that you can post any photographs to Seesaw or the school office showing us how the plant your child took home is growing.

Jiade and Jack loved football outside with coach Steven.  Great ball skills everyone!

Twida and Caiden both said they enjoyed learning how to use the multiplication square to help them find answers during Maths.

My highlight was watching the children as they played football.  Even though the weather was miserable, everyone gave 100% and listened to the instructions well.

Congratulations to Tadiwa, our hot chocolate award winner this week.

Lead Learners were McPaul and Tadiwa.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

McPaul – “I liked planning for our writing called ‘The Surprise’.  I had a surprise before and it was my little brother being born.” As part of our learning about recounts (writing in the past tense), the children heard a story about a boy who received a toy box as a surprise.  They then planned to write about a surprise they once had.  We will write about this next week and use our planning sheet to support us.

Tadiwa – “I liked making the feelings poster with Mrs Brand.”



Mrs Brown

May 25, 2024
by Mr Pentland

P3b update

Hello families,

The children had a packed short week.

Reesa “I liked measuring things in the classroom in cm and m”

Evana “I liked learning about turtles”

Lewis “I liked doing football in the rain”

Blair “I liked building a penguin habitat on Minecraft”

Photo Highlights

May 24, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 24th May 2024

This week we have been practising our common words and revising over all sounds taught.  We also focused on using Capital letters and answering questions related to a text.

In Maths, we have been looking at Mass and measuring.  We also revised o’ clock and  half past using clocks.

For PE on Wednesday, we enjoyed a football session with a coach. We had fun scoring goals and dribbling the ball around the pitch. We had lots of fun.  We have also practised throwing a javelin.

On Wednesday Primary 2 went to Mass at St Peter’s and on Friday it was Primary 1’s turn. We were all well behaved and our adults were very proud of us.

This week we were very excited to take the Sunflower seeds we planted home.  We will try to take good care of them at home.

Learning Highlights:

‘I enjoyed time’ – Victoria

‘I liked using the Lego’ Arjun

‘I liked playing football’ Daniel

‘I loved the football’ Connor

Congratulations to Connor our Hot Chocolate winner and well done to this week’s winners of class points.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

May 24, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 13.05.24 and WB 20.05.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

In this post you will be shown the highlights of both weeks, since there have been some issues with last week’s post and it ended up not being published.

So, here are our highlights:

  • Spelling – We have learned many interesting and even challenging words related to our Topic War and Conflict, including the most common causes of war and words needed to explain those same causes. The spelling assessment had very good results, especially having in mind how hard the words were, both to understand and spell.
  • Writing – We have continued and concluded our Narratives on the next chapter of the Spiderwick Chronicles and some of us loved it so much they wouldn’t want to stop writing! This week we have started learning about the Recount, its different parts and what it is used for. We will continue working on it at least for another couple of weeks.
  • Literacy – In order to make our Writing even better and more interesting, we have been having a big focus on Similes, Metaphors and the difference between them. We had to write our own Similes and Metaphors and identify both within texts which was quite interesting.
  • Maths and Numeracy – Learning about the Perimeter and the Area of squares and rectangles was one of the favourites of the weeks and we even learned how to find out the area and perimeters of shapes with more than one rectangle or square. We have finished the week with word problems and have also continued our work on multiplication and division.
  • RE – Last week we have celebrated Pentecost and have remembered that it had happened 50 days after Easter, when the Holy Spirit descended on Our Lady and the Apostles. We have also been following the Pray in May Calendar from Mary’s Meals and every single day we learn about a country which is being helped by this charity, its political and economic situation, the contents of the meals in each country and how many school meals are being provided every school day. The children have been very engaged but also very shocked by the enormous need for help and by how so many children like themselves live in such poor conditions. They all want to help Mary’s Meals and we would like to ask parents and carers to donate what they can and bring it to school on the 31st of May, since we will have a special collection for this charity.
  • Science – Continuing our super learning in Science we have been doing some really interesting STEM challenges, some in the classroom and some outside, since a group of us went to the Climate Smarter Celebration of STEM Event last Wednesday with their Eco-School Model.
  • Outdoor Learning – As our gardens were needing urgent attention, we have spent a good amount of time weeding them and if you come to the school you will hopefully see the difference. We were going to continue our job this week but the rain has made it impossible so hopefully we will have the opportunity to finish our task next week. It’s hard but rewarding work and we got new tools which are good for the job!🌻
  • Football – We have had 2 super fun sessions with Steven, the West Lothian Football Academy coach and got a taster of what it would be like to join one of WLFA classes, which was great!
  • Many Congratulations to our Hot Chocolate from last week, Miss Samanvi, who has been a true role model of good behaviour and readiness to learn to all! Well done, Miss Samanvi!👏👏👏🥇🏆
  • Well done also to The Philosopher’s Stone Table who have been amazing throughout the week, not only about their behaviour but also about their attitude towards learning!🏆🥇✨
  • This week, Congratulations to the Chamber of Secrets Table for being super duper good! Well done! 👏🏆

We say goodbye for now, wishing all our Readers a very pleasant and, if possible, dry and sunny weekend!😀🌞🏔

P5A and Mrs Valente 😘😘

May 24, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 24th May 2024

This week we have been reading The Enormous Turnip, we learned all about the words ‘heaved’ and ‘budge’. We have been practising writing words and sentences on the whiteboards and we were so proud of our sentences.

In Maths, we have been practising our subtraction strategies. We also played a game about fact families where we had to made 2 addition and 2 subtraction sums. It was great fun!

During Outdoor Learning we spent some time in the Woodland to practise our fire pit safety. We know what to do to roast a marshmallow and in a few weeks we are going to have a real fire.

For PE, we enjoyed a football session with a coach. We had fun scoring goals and dribbling the ball around the pitch. The grass stuck to our feet so we had to pretend to be penguins and move our feet across the playground to get the grass off.

On Friday, we all went to Mass at St Peter’s. The staff were all very proud of how respectful we were.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Zuraib – I enjoyed playing outside.

Rudhvick – I enjoyed playing with the Jenga

Tyler F – I enjoyed playing in the construction area.

Ollie – I enjoyed playing with the plus plus.

Matteo – I enjoyed playing in the big playground with the buddies.



May 24, 2024
by Mrs Brand

Week Beginning 20/5/24 – P2 Highlights

Good afternoon

We have had a brilliant week in P2!

The children returned from the holiday weekend full of energy and enthusiasm to learn.

The children are doing great with multiplication and division, focussing on the ten times tables this week. We also began learning about weight this week and the children particularly enjoyed weighing objects on the balance scales.

We used our planning sheets from last week to write excellent recounts about our trip to the Five Sisters Zoo.

Our class vets is still very popular and the children are loving playing in here. They are showing a lot of care to our sick pets.

Weekly Highlights

Vasilisa – I liked playing in the vets with Lillian.

Faye – I loved free writing, I wrote about hugs.

Cameron – I liked learning about weight. I enjoyed using the balance scales especially weighing Enso’s Shoe!

Aaron – I liked playing in the vets.

Eve – I liked Maths.

Harald – I liked learning the five times tables.

Oliver – I liked free writing, I wrote about Astronauts.

Azmeer – I liked multiplying and dividing by 10.

Huge Congratulations to Oliver, our hot chocolate winner!

Have a lovely weekend!

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