Primary 4

This week we started to learn about our new topic Australia.  We found Australia on the world map and looked at where it was in distance from Scotland.   We then used an Atlas to help us complete a map of Australia.  We searched the internet to find out some facts about both Australia and Scotland.  We discovered that Australia had a much higher population than Scotland.  We then used our maths skills to find the difference between the population of Australia and Scotland.  There are around 18 million more people in Australia than in Scotland!

primary 4

Today we talked about all of the things we had learned this term and the things that we had enjoyed the most.  This term our favourite things have been:  the P4 Benchball Festival, tasting lots of different types of foods for our Food topic, using Sum Dog and maths games/challenges to help us learn different skills in maths, learning how to write different types of poems and creating art work in the style of different artists.   We also really enjoyed learning all about Easter with Mrs Hull.

We hope everybody has a lovely Easter holiday see you all soon.

Jordan and Primary 4

P1m – ‘A Good Lesson…’

This week P1m were talking about what a ‘good’ lesson looks like. We had lots of good ideas!

  • We need to know what we’re learning and why
  • We need to know how we’re going to learn
  • We have to think if we can use Lenny (our link lizard) if we can use what we already know
  • Everyone should be listening
  • Miss McLaughlin should say things in a way we can understand them
  • We should learn in lots of different ways (writing/drawing, the smartboard, acting, etc)
  • We should learn with lots of different people
  • Miss McLaughlin, a partner or I should check how I know I have learned
  • A lesson should not run late
  • We should think about what we have to do next

A big list for Miss McLaughlin to think about!

P1m 🙂

Primary 3

In writing this week we wrote about traditions during Chinese New Year.  In maths we are looking at different shapes and the triangles maths group have been introduced to the triangular prism. In topic this week, we found out how jewellery was an important part of Egyptian life even for the poor people. We used a range of materials to make our own Egyptian bracelets and necklaces.

Primary 2

This week in primary 2 we have been learning how to order numbers.  Learning about tens and units helped us to order larger numbers.

 In literacy we have been working on segmenting and building words.  The children have enjoyed working with the magnetic letters and boards to do this. 

Our new topic is the sun, moon and stars and we have been learning about this through a variety of activities.  We found out about the first man on the moon and used actions to remember his name.  Can you remember what the actions were?  In drama we worked in groups to man a space shuttle.  Pupils enjoyed this activity and particularly the space themed musical background.  They were great in role!  In art we used chalk drawing and blending skills to create sun, moon and stars pictures.  The children chose which one of two pictures to create.  They enjoyed being able to create the reflection of the moon on water. The artwork created was super and will be displayed in class.

Primary 4

 This week we have been learning about Time.  We made a list of all the ways we use time everyday and some children went on a Time Devices Treasure Hunt.   We have also started to learn about our new topic Food Glorious Food.  We made a shopping list of all our favourite foods which made us feel a bit hungry!

Remember to wear your watches and look at the clock to help you use what you have learned in class this week.

by Primary 4

P1M Reflective Learning

This week we built a house for the Three Little Pigs. We had to make bricks for the walls, make a tablecloth, made a cooking pot for the wolf and made him. We also made pictures of the Three Pigs and nameplates for them. We decided to call them Campbell, John and Andrew. Peek into our room to have a look 🙂

P1m out!

Primary 4

We have been learning about the rules for Kosher food, the food that is allowed for Jewish people, in our RME lessons.

 Can anyone find a ‘Kosher’ badge on a food packet, jar or can? Look in your cupboards – or have a good look around when you’re at the supermarket helping with the shopping!  If you find one, tell us where!

For a reminder of the Kosher rules, try this website:

Primary 5

Primary 5 have been linking RME and Science this week as we learned about Evolution as an explanation of how life began on Earth.  We watched an animation which showed some dinosaurs with feathers, and explained how there are some birds in the world today that can’t fly, but have other talents which make them the best birds for their habitat.

Thank you to Ellie for helping to sum up the learning this week.

We thought about the kiwi in particular – can anyone tell me where kiwis live? Can P5 remember what the kiwi is good at?

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