P6 Weekly Blog

Well done to our  talented P6 gymnasts: Eilidh, Jamie Lee and Niamh  for their fantastic display last week!  They were so good perhaps we will see them at the next Commonwealth Games!

Talking of the Commonwealth Games here are some of our pictures which we hope will be picked to be entered into the competition to be displayed at the atheletes village during the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in July! Good luck everyone!

P6 Weekly Blog

This week we have been drawing pictures about all of the sports which will feature in the Commonwealth Games which will be held in Glasgow  in July.  We produced our best work and we hope some will be selected to appear in the athletes village. Next week we will put up some of our finished entries for you to see.

We started our football training with Greg from Broxburn United Football Club. He is helping us all to lead a healthy lifestyle by making sure we eat healthily and take regular excercise.  We were doing  sit ups and wall presses to improve our personal fitness.  We have been given fitness homework to help us improve our levels of fitness.

This Friday Eilidh, Jamie Lee and Niamh will be taking part in the gymnastics display which will be held at 11.45. Good luck girls!

P1 Reflective Learning

This week Primary 1 have been learning about Robert Burns.

We drew portraits of him (which you can see in the picture) and wrote words and sentences about him.

We learned..

  • That he wrote poems and songs
  • We have a Burns Supper
  • We wear kilts at a Burns Supper
  • We eat haggis, neeps, tatties, oatcakes and cheese
  • Grown-ups drink whisky and they have a toast.

We are looking forward to our own Burns supper tomorrow!

Until later 🙂

Primary 1

Primary 2

We have been learning about a famous Scottish inventor called Kirkpatrick MacMillan who invented the first pedals for bicycles.  We learned lots of interesting facts about him and also learned about the ways that we remember him today.  We used line to draw pictures of Kirkpatrick MacMillan Bridge and also of Courthill Smithy where he worked as a blacksmith.  The pedals that Kirkpatrick MacMillan invented did not work in the same way as the pedals we have today.  Can you find out how the pedals worked?

Primary 3

As part of our Scottish topic P3 have been learning all about Robert Owen this week and  researching all the good things he did for the Mill workers of New Lanark. We created a timeline of how our day compared to the pauper apprentices in the Mill and did line drawings of the Mill houses. We are going on a trip on Monday to visit the New Lanark Heritage Centre and are very excited about this!

Primary 1

This week, Primary 1 have been creating pictures of the Forth Rail Bridge. We used strips of red card to make the shape of the bridge. We thought it was going to be tricky but were so surprised at how easy it was!

We also learned that..

  • The Forth Rail Bridge is next to Deep Sea World
  • There are lots of fish in the water
  • It is next to the Forth Road Bridge
  • Lots of men died when they were building the bridge.

We are looking forward to learning about more Scottish things next week!

Primary 1 🙂


Over the past few weeks, Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been learning about Nativity.

First, we heard the Nativity story, and tried to relate what we learned to our own ‘Wriggly Nativity’ story. We also looked at different versions of the story and talked about what was the same and what was different.

Then, we moved on to creating the programme for our own Nativity performance. We drew a picture of ourselves as our character, wrote our own name and tried hard to write our character’s name. They looked great! We photocopied them for our grown-ups to enjoy too!

Finally, after lots of singing and acting (and wriggling!) came our performance of ‘Wriggly Nativity’. After a slight delay from the fire alarm, we were ready to go! We loved the songs, especially the parts where we could wriggle! Mrs Andison and Miss McLaughlin were very proud – we’re sure we saw tears in their eyes! We really enjoyed our learning over this topic!

Miss McLaughlin and Mrs Andison would like to thank Nia Mullen (P5) and Lewis Paterson (P4) for being wonderful narrators; Liam Cavanagh (P7) and Zoe Evans (P7) for being super with our sound; Rebecca Lawrie (P7) and Alexa Renwick (P7) for selling our programmes; Miss Speirs for keeping the performance going; Mrs Hull for all the song rehearsals; all of the grown-ups who came to see our performance and bought the programmes, and finally, to the children in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 who worked so hard to make the performance as special as it was. Thank you.

Merry Christmas from Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 🙂

P6 Christmas Fair goodies

In P6 we have been looking at persuasive writing. Molly Gilles and Kristinna Sharp produced a fantastic advert each to persuade you to come to our Christmas Fayre. The children have been working with P7 to produce a range of goodies to sell at the fair. Also P5, P6 and P7 have been practising some lovely Christmas carols to entertain you with at the Fair! See you on Friday!

Molly's writingKristinna's advert

Primary 2

We went into the woodland beside our school to collect leaves, twigs and small stones to make a picture using natural resources found in our local environment.

P2 were very disappointed at the amount of dog mess left in a place they use for learning.  They would like everyone to remember to pick up after their pets.

We also checked the orchard for Mrs Hull to make sure there was no litter.

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