Reading Showcase – The Reading Journey from Nursery to P7

We were delighted to welcome so many parents and carers to our learning showcase event held on Wednesday 27th November.  We know that parents are keen to support their child’s learning and we were glad to share the approaches used to develop reading from Nursery to Primary 7.  There was a short presentation about reading given by Miss Speirs, then the children shared their learning with our guests and showed how reading skills are taught in our school. There was an amazing turnout with over 100 visitors on the night.  Thank you to everyone who joined us, it was great to see you there.

Happy Hanukkah!

Menorah CandlesThree of our classes have been learning about the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah which takes place around the world this week. Primary 6 used the internet to find out about the story behind the celebration, with armies in battle and a very special bottle of oil.  They watched video clips of Hannukah celebrations and learned how to play the Driedel game.  A team from P6 then visited Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 to play the game with them and share their learning.  This game was first played to help the Jewish children learn their letters and sounds in secret. When we played it this week we learned new letters, practised our counting skills and showed what good sports we are when our friends won our tokens!

Primary 3 say Shabbat Shalom!

In Primary 3 we have been learning about the Jewish tradition of Shabbat. We know that to keep Shabbat the Jewish people do no work, to remember the story of God creating the world in 6 days, and resting on the 7th day.

We used drama in class to show what we know about this special celebration which happens from Friday evening to Saturday evening.

Primary 4

This week Primary 4 have been learning all about money. We discussed the difference between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ when spending money and then worked in groups to decide which purchases were the most important. Items like a car generated lots of interesting discussion in class as some groups decided to categorise it as a ‘want’, because you could use public transport instead, whilst others argued that it may be a ‘need’ for some people, especially if you lived in the country or had to drive for work.

Next week we will developing our money skills in Maths and learning about the importance of budgeting and saving.

Primary 3

In writing this week primary 3 have been focusing on using the connectives, and, but and because. We have been learning the Canadian Barn Dance in PE as we will be  doing this dance at our Christmas Party. As part of our Senses topic we have been looking at people who do not have their sense of sight and how they have to rely on their other senses.

P1 and P1/2 Enterprise

This week, Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have started their enterprise project: to design a ‘sweet treat’ to sell at the Christmas Fayre.

First, we talked about the foods that we eat at Christmas. Then, we looked at Christmas magazines and cut out all the sweet things that we could find. After that, we worked in groups to think of things we could make to fit into small sweetie cases. Some of the ideas we came up with were, gingerbread men, marshmallow snowmen, truffles and reindeer biscuits.

Next week, we will decide our top products and plan how we are going to make them.

Homework task.. If you have time this weekend, could an adult bake or make ‘sweet treats’ with their children to practise baking skills.

P1 and P1/2

Primary 2

This week we used the leaves, twigs and stones that we collected last week to create our environmental art.  We arranged our leaves, twigs and stones on paper to make patterns and small sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy.  Then we recycled our resources to use in another art activity.

Why not go out and collect some leaves, twigs and stones to make some artwork of your own?

Primary 5

This week we have a had a  busy week in Primary 5.  We started our new topic A Weekend in Pumpherston and Uphall Station.   We had to think of how the land is used in our local area and made a table to show  places to work, relax, live and places of interest.   This week we have also been enjoying learning how to play Handball in PE.  We have to keep practising as we are going to a Handball Festival in December.  We also had a Zumba taster session which was great fun as well as good for our bodies.

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