We are helping Mrs Hull to organise the school ‘Jump Rope for Heart’ event – a sponsored skipping event on Friday 9th May. We have sorted out a timetable for classes, drafted the letter for parents and counted out the sponsor forms. We checked how many skipping ropes we have and will be practising our skipping skills.
Tomorrow we are going to Pumpherston Bowling Club. We will need to wear flat plimsolls or gym rubbers.
Our topic for this term is The Local Community and we are currently practising our class talks about clubs and activities that take place in our community.
WELL DONE for organizing it.
Well done to Mrs Hull for organising the jump rope
Well done to everyone who was involved with helping to organise the ‘Jump Rope for Heart’. What a super job you all did this morning.
Miss Anderson 🙂
Thank you Mrs Campbell for taking us on the trip
Great work P6. I hope you really enjoy your visit.