NHS Guidance on Attendance at School

We know that this is a confusing and uncertain time as we learn how to follow the guidance for Covid 19 symptoms and testing. We would request that all families take time to re-read the guidance below, this should support you in deciding your child’s attendance at school. It is important as a whole school community we follow this guidance to keep everyone safe.

The NHS guidance is:

  • Please don’t send your child to school with symptoms which may be coronavirus (a new persistent cough, and/or a high temperature, and/or a loss or change in taste or smell).


  • If your child or anyone in your household has symptoms you should ALL stay at home. Find out how to organise a COVID test on NHS Inform or phone 0800 028 2816. If your child has symptoms but tests negative they can return to school once they have had no symptoms for 48 hours and are feeling better. Please show the teacher the negative test result. This helps monitor cases and keeps the school community safe and reassured.


  • If you return from an area with quarantine restrictions keep your child off school and stay at home for 14 days. A negative COVID test will not shorten quarantine as it doesn’t show if you or your child will develop the virus. Updated travel information is on gov.scot

When you phone our office to report your child’s office we will ask if your child or anyone in the house have symptoms and remind you of the NHS guidance.

Please find attached the information leaflet:

parents and carers letter good practice schools

Please find track and trace information:

Test and Protect Leaflet – August Update

Test And Protect Step By Step Guide – August Update

Living Our Values – 21/08/2020

Things might be a little different at school but recognising our children who go above and beyond is still important to us. Today we were very excited to present our first Living our Values certificates of the school year for those children who have been living our NEW school values! It was a very special day! 💙💛 #makingPUSCPSmemories


P.E. Kit & P.E. Days

First of all I would like to express my thanks to you in ensuring your child is wearing the correct school uniform. As you know at PUSCPS we take great pride in our school colours and school uniform as it makes us feel part of our PUSCPS family.
As you are aware the current guidelines are children are not to change into P.E. kit. In order to ensure your child feels comfortable on their P.E. days, we would request that that they wear to school on that day:
  • white polo shirt/ t-shirt – with school logo or plain
  • blue sweatshirt/cardigan – with school logo or plain
  • P7 – black sweatshirt/cardigan
  • plain black tracksuit bottoms/ joggers
  • black trainers
  • girls who are wearing a skirt over their leggings can remove their skirt on P.E. days
  • we would recommend that they don’t wear their shirt and tie on their P.E. days
In order to continue with our inclusive ethos and promoting our school identity we would request that children don’t wear branded clothing. Please don’t feel that this needs to be actioned immediately, in the meantime children can continue to wear their normal school uniform on P.E. days until you are able to purchase the extras. If you require support with purchasing this kit please let the school know. We also have nearly new school polo shirts and sweatshirts that can be purchased for a donation.
We would request that on non P.E. days children wear their normal school uniform.
Term 1 P.E. Days:
  • Primary 1 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 2/1 – Mon/Thurs
  • Primary 3/2 – Tues/ Fri
  • Primary 4/3 – Mon/ Tues
  • Primary 4 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 5 – Tues/Wed
  • Primary 6 – Mon/Wed
  • Primary 7 – Mon/Wed
Thank you for your continued support with our uniform guidelines and for bearing with us during this slightly different start to the school year.

Drop off and Pick up Arrangements for P1-7

Thank you for bearing with us whilst we organise our routine for children entering and leaving the building. Please find below a reminder of the processes. There are staff on the gates and signage on the fence to support you. These processes are part of our school risk assessment and comply with Scottish Government policy and advice.   

Morning Drop off:  

  • Those children wishing to make use of breakfast club should arrive between 8:10-8:30am.  
  • No adults should enter the playground in the morning.  
  • Adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines when dropping off at gates.  
  • Adults should not loiter at the gates, please leave the area once you have dropped your child off.   
  • P1-3 Entrance: Infant Side Gate Open 8:48-9:00  
  • P4-5 Entrance: Kick Pitch Gate Open 8:48-9:00  
  • P6-7 Entrance: Upper School Gate Open 8:48-9:00 

Afternoon Pick Up:  

P1-4 Exit at 3:10-15pm:   

  • One adult per family enters through kick pitch gate.  
  • Leave with your child via the library gate.   
  • All adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines.  
  • Adults should not loiter in the playground, please leave once you have picked your child up.   
  • We would recommend parents entering the playground wear a face mask.  
  • The above processes help us to ensure a one way system and support distancing.   

P5-7 Exit at 3:15pm: Upper School Gate   

  • Children with younger siblings can enter the playground to meet the adult.   
  • Adults should follow 2m physical distancing guidelines when dropping off at gates.  
  • Adults should not loiter at the gates, please leave once you have dropped your child off.   
  • One adult per family should pick up the child/ren. 

Thank you for your support as we continue to put processes in place to support everyone’s safety.   


Positive Relationships at PUSCPS – New School Values

After consultation with our children, families, staff and partners we have finalised our new school values and motto!

Our values are:

  • Kind
  • Confident 
  • Achieving

Our new school motto is:

Growing kind hearts and confident achievers.

We are very excited to launch these and the children will be completing tasks in relation to them over the next few weeks and months.

I hope you will agree with me, that they really sum up what we expect and hope for all our children. Thank you to everyone who supported us with this consultation.

Positive Relationships at PUSCPS (2)


P5-7 Home Learning – Wednesday

Welcome back Primary 5, 6 and 7!

Today you will find your learning in Teams.

  • Primary 7 – P6 Team – Into P7 Transition Channel
  • Primary 6 – P5 Team – Into P6 Transition Channel
  • Primary 5 – P4 Team – Into P5 Transition Channel

Your teachers look forward to welcome back into school on Thursday.

Please contact the office at wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk if your child has forgotten their glow log in.

Report a Glow concern
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