Scots Celebration Assembly

Today we held our traditional Scots Assembly to celebrate Scots and Burns. We invited our grandparents along to share this special celebration with us.

Our nursery am children joined us at the assembly to sing some songs and pm children sent us some videos to share.

Over the past few weeks we have been learning Scots and Burns poems and each class selected 2 pupils to present at today’s assembly. On Monday we will find out the names of the pupil at each stage who will now go through to the West Lothian Burns Competition.  The Vice Captains and Mrs Dickie were a tough judging panel to impress!

Primary 6 have been learning Scottish Dancing in  P.E. and their class selected a group of pupils to share their dance a our assembly.

We all took part in a Scottish sing song sharing the songs we have been learning.

A big thank you to Mrs Campbell and Mrs Dickie for organising the assembly, and to everyone who came along to help us celebrate.

Inspection Celebration Assembly

This morning we welcomed children, staff, parents and carers, and friends of PUSCPS to join us to celebrate our recent inspection findings. It was lovely to welcome back Mr Eagleson for the occasion.

Our house and vice captains led the assembly and we joined together to sing some of our favourite songs:

  • Our School Song
  • You are a Star
  • and a new song that we have been learning Glorious

They also shared with us our school and nursery gradings.

Miss Burton shared a few words about our school and Mrs Dickie shared a few words about our nursery. We also watched some videos that we made this week which share why we are so proud of our school.

We even had a special school cake – which we really enjoyed eating (shhhh … don’t tell our parents/ carers!).

Thank you to everyone who came along to join our celebration.

Glowing report for Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School

Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School has been praised for its positive relationships between children and staff.

The school, received praise in a number of areas following a recent routine inspection by Education Scotland.

Inspectors highlighted a number of key strengths including the high quality, inclusive ethos which permeates the school, resulting in children, staff and stakeholders feeling valued and respected, the quality of the learning experiences in the nursery and the leadership of the headteacher in creating the conditions for staff to build on their strengths and take forward the agenda for school improvement.

The report also noted that the pupils are happy, confident and caring children who are eager to learn, they have a strong voice and contribute enthusiastically to bringing about change in their school.

Executive councillor for education, David Dodds, said: “This is a fantastic report for Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary and everyone involved with the school should take great pride in their work. It is wonderful to hear of the inclusive ethos that is embodied throughout the school and the fact that pupils are so enthusiastically involved in school life. With this attitude I’m under no hesitation that the school will continue to thrive and achieve in the future.

Inspectors also recommended that the school continues to strengthen approaches to planning, tracking and monitoring to identify which interventions are having the greatest impact on outcomes for all children and raises attainment and achievement.

Acting Headteacher Sarah Burton added: “We are delighted to have received such a positive report and I have to commend all the staff here at the school for the fantastic work they put in on a daily basis to deliver for our pupils. The report is great testament to the work of my predecessor, Steven Eagleson who was headteacher at the time of the inspection and to the positive contribution of parents and the wider school community.

There are always areas to work on and I can assure parents and carers that every member of staff will continue to work towards providing pupils with the very best environment for learning. We always try to put the pupils at the heart of everything we do at the school, allowing them to partly shape their own learning and it is great to see the inspectors have acknowledged this.”

(Issued by media and communications officer Lewis Carr)

Almond House Party

The House and Vice Captains decided they would like ‘a treat’ for winning the most points each term. After consulting with their House, Ella and Ewan decided on a Candyland theme party. They put together a programme for the party and organised the morning. A big well done to all the P7 Young Leaders in Almond who ran the party on a Friday morning – it was a huge success and everyone had lots of fun.

Congratulations Almond!

Fun Time Friday

At our Pumphie Pals the children agreed that they wanted to continue having structured activities for Golden Time/ Fun Time Friday.  Some of the activities are across the school and some are in stages. We started this again on Friday and some of the activities included:

  • Film Club
  • Outdoor Games
  • Digital Fun
  • Singing
  • Cooking
  • Science
  • Dance

Pumphie Pals Meeting

Our Inspection Findings

As our school inspection results are published on Tuesday 16th January, we would like to invite our parents, carers and families to our assembly on Friday 19th January to share our inspection results and findings with the school community. We look forward to seeing you there.

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