Primary 2 – week beginning 23.3.20

Good morning Primary 2.  I hope you are all well and were able to use your bubbles over the weekend!

Take the time today to have a look through your home learning pack. You will see that I have put in some addition and subtraction games for you.  Please don’t write on these games so you can use them more than once. Once you have rolled the dice, write the numbers in your home learning book. The same goes for your letter formation sheet.

I have attached this week’s home learning grid.

We would love to hear from you through a blog message or sending pics of your learning to the school email:

Take care

Mrs Strachan 😊


home learning board week one pdf

End of Term Assembly

Today we finished the term with a PUSCPS sing a long. It was fantastic to see the children singing along and dancing.

I shared a story about why things are changing for now.

We issued every child with this bookmark.

Home Learning Opportunities

As you aware we have no confirmed cases of corona virus in our school.
However, we are aware that following NHS guidelines some children/ families are having to self isolate.
Currently our main priority is continuity of learning for the children we have at school, if schools were to close there will be home learning tasks made available and a strategic plan in place for how learning would be delivered which will be shared if there was a school closure.
In the short term if you are self isolating there are the following learning opportunities available:
  • P1-7 have Sumdog log ins that they can use at home.  Logs in are in their homework diary/ reading record.
  • P4-7 have glow logs in and should access home learning through their team. There is a literacy and numeracy task in their team to complete. More information here:
  • P1-7 term 3 home learning choice boards on the blog:
  • Some individual children have access to IDL log ins to support their literacy learning. Logs in are in their homework diary/ reading record.
  • Children should have their reading book at home
  • Visit our blog to look at learning experiences and leave a comment
Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards,
Miss Burton

STEM Assembly: Sharing our STEM Learning

Today we our classes shared their STEM learning this term at our assembly.


Miss Connor, the West Lothian Development Officer for STEM shared with us the importance of STEM skills for our future jobs and carers.


Each class then shared with us their STEM Learning.

Primary 7

Primary 6

Primary 5

Primary 4

Primary 3

Primary 2

Primary 1


We celebrated the children and classes who scored highly in the West Lothian Maths Sumdog Competition.

We also invited along a neuroscientist, who told us all about his career and what STEM skills he used.


Our STEM topic has been The Circus. We have been learning about money and sold tickets in the playground for our own Circus performance.


Primary 2 will be bringing  home invitations for their class assembly. The date is 17.3.20 at 2.15 pm. P2 are very excited to for their special performance!

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