Primary 1/2

Primary 1/2 have been learning Polish phrases. We practised saying ‘hi’, ‘good morning’ and ‘bye’ with our friends. We made some pictures to show what we have learnt. Do you know what the people in the pictures are saying?

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As part of our Social Studies topic, Mrs Liddell came to visit us with a box of toys from the past. We learnt all about the materials old toys were made from and discussed how they had changed. The teddy in the picture below is very old! It used to be white and is stuffed with sawdust! We each chose our favourite old toy and wrote about it at writing time.

a gird and cleek
a gird and cleek
a toy clown was made from paper and glue
a toy clown, made from paper and glue
a white teddy stuffed with sawdust
a white teddy stuffed with sawdust

Term 4 Learning Overviews

Each term, teachers create a learning overview.  This is sent home with each child and a copy can be found here.  These are valuable sources of information to allow you to help your child at home with their learning.  Communication between home and school is a central part of making a difference for all children.



Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  All P1 Pupils – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4 P1 1 P1 2



Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:   P2 pupils in P1-2 class – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  P2-3 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P2-3 1


Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term: P3 – Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term: P4 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

P4 1P4 2


Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:    P5 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:  P6 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Click the blue link here to download the learning overview for this term:   P7 Termly Learning Overview – Term 4

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Primary 1 and 1/2

It has been a very exciting week in Primary 1 and 1/2! On Monday, our chicken eggs arrived and over the course of the week we have had the pleasure of seeing 8 little chicks hatch. We witnessed the chicks ‘pipping’ on Wednesday (where they started to peck to get out of the shell) and by Thursday we had 4 lively little chicks. The remaining chicks started pipping after lunch on Thursday afternoon and we found 4 more little chicks waiting to meet us on Friday morning!

We have learnt so much about chickens and how to care for them this week! We drew each stage in the life cycle of a chicken and wrote fact-files about chicks and chickens to display on the wall for any visitors to see.

We are looking forward to seeing how much the chicks have grown when we get back to school!

Day 1
Day 1
Day 2
Day 4

Day 5

Primary 1/2

We have been learning about chicks this week. We were drawing chicks today; we drew yellow dots and then we put on legs, eyes, beak and made every chick a little bit different.  In our groups we made big pictures to show what we know about the life cycle of a chicken, and what they need to grow big and strong.

We were learning about caring people as part of Rights Respecting schools. We know children have the right to live with their parents or someone who cares for them.

Glow Scotland

This week your child will bring home their Glow username and password. The weblink for Glow is and it can be accessed through any device with an internet connection. As well as lots of educational resources, Glow provides access to your child’s school email account and Office 365. This allows your child to use Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint from anywhere with an internet connection, even if it is not installed on their device.

Once your child has successfully logged in they will be able to access the Apps available (including Brainpop and TigTag World). They will also be able to access the School Site by clicking on the App as pictured below.

At the moment the School Site is being developed and will contain more content as time goes on.

When your child logs on for the first time they will need to agree to the following Glow Community Rules:

Be Secure

Always keep your Glow password to yourself.

Always sign out of Glow when no longer using it.

Be Polite

Always treat others with respect.

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that is inappropriate or likely to cause harm or offence to others.

Be Safe

Always remember to be careful when communicating over the internet – other users may not be who they seem.

Don’t share your personal details with other people.

Never agree to meet someone in person who you have only met on the internet unless accompanied by a parent, carer or other known and trusted adult.

Speak to an adult immediately if you see a message, image or anything else on the internet that concerns you

Be Legal

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other other content that you do not have permission to use.

Be Responsible

Always be mindful that once you put something online, that information may be beyond your control.

Never post or share a message, document, image, video or any other content online that you would not wish other learners, teachers, or parents to see.

Remember that anything you do can be traced back to you.

If you misuse Glow, this can be reported to your school.

Upper school pupils should have already accessed Glow in school and tried out a few of the resources available. If your child has any problems accessing Glow they should inform their class teacher or Miss Anderson.

Further information about Glow is available Here.

P1 & P1/2 Get Growing

This week, Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been looking at food journeys. First of all, we looked at how milk makes its journey from the farm all the way to our fridges at home (ask us to explain it to you!).

On Friday, we began to think about how vegetables grow and come from the farm to us. We got ‘green-fingered’ and planted lots of different vegetable seeds (carrots, peppers, sweetcorn, lettuce, cabbage, broccoli and leeks). We are looking forward to seeing how they grow!

We have left our seeds in our library corridor/greenhouse, so keep an eye out for any shoots peeking through!

Until next time…

The P1 & P1/2 Farmers 🙂

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