Primary 1

Primary 1 have been revising their sounds and numbers to check where we are with our learning.

Last week we were learning about New Year and the different ways it is celebrated around the world.

We made 2024 calendars to take home as a gift for our family. We worked with a partner to practise our cutting skills, making a collage  with old Christmas cards.

As part of our Scots focus we have been learning some Scottish songs and have also been given a choice of a short Scots poem to learn that we will get the chance to recite in class on Friday.




Scots Poetry

This week, we are learning Scots poetry. Please practice with us at home so we feel confident to recite our poems next week.

Your child will have one of these poems to practice in their bag.

  • Veggie Olympics
  • Street Talk
  • A Night’s rain

Thank you,


Miss Hall & Primary 5 🙂

Primary 2/1

This week, Primary 2/1 were learning about symmetry.

On investigation, we learned that symmetry was like a ‘fold’ and that both parts of a shape/pattern/object had to match each other. We also learned that symmetry is an important part of nature as lots of insects have symmetrical bodies/patterns.

We took part in play-based activities linked to symmetry and created our own symmetrical ladybirds.

Check in with us again next week to see what else we have been learning!
Primary 2/1 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 2/1

Just a short message to say ‘thank you’ to all the parents/carers and family members who came to the ‘Wriggly Nativity’ performances on Thursday. We really appreciate you taking the time to come and support us.

We were thrilled with how both performances went – the time and effort that children have put in is really something. It has been one of the best nativities I’ve seen/done in my twelve years!

Thank you again and Merry Christmas when it comes!
Miss M 🙂

The Northern Lights

We have been enjoying reading our class novel The Christmasaurus. We read about the Northern Lights and learned about how the colours are made in the sky. We enjoyed some sensory play to create swirled patterns like we saw in the pictures. We also created beautiful artwork using oil pastels and blending.

Primary 2/1

This week, Primary 2/1 were writing to persuade.

We have been learning about exposition writing, where we are trying to persuade someone our point of view is right. As we had made/decorated beautiful Christmas biscuits for the Fayre last week, we decided to write in order to persuade people to buy them (many thanks to those of you who purchased biscuits from our stall!).

We also took part in some play-based activities linked to our writing theme:

  • we watched/listened to the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’
  • we used construction materials to build a trap to catch the Gingerbread Man
  • we made our own gingerbread designs using different craft materials.

A reminder that the performances of ‘Wriggly Nativity’ will take place on Thursday 14th December at 9.30am and 2.00pm. We hope to see you there!

Check in with us again soon to see what else we have been up to!
Primary 2/1 & Miss M 🙂

Primary 1

Primary 1 enjoy regular visits to the Community Library. Our lovely Librarian, Diane read “Superhero Hotel” this week. Here are some of our favourite parts of the story:
B: “I liked when they got thrown in the sky.”
A: “When they were all snoring.”
H: “When Mr Invisible got caught with the net.”

As part of our Fairyland topic, we completed another challenge this week. This time we helped Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Through our block play we had to build another chair for the bears, to replace the one that Goldilocks broke. We made our own bear puppets and sequenced the events of the story into the right order.


Primary 2/1

This week, Primary 2/1 have been making preparations for ‘Wriggly Nativity’!

Primary 1 parts have now been allocated and costumes fitted (there is no need for parents/carers to provide costumes). Primary 2 will form the choir for this year’s performance.

Nativity performances will take place on Thursday 14th December at 9.30am and 2.00pm. More information about these performances will follow in due course.

Please use the link below if your child would like to practise some of the songs at home:

Many thanks,
Miss McLaughlin 🙂

Primary 1


Primary 1  and Primary 2/1 are now busy learning the songs for this year’s nativity.  If you would like to support your child in learning the songs, all songs  for the nativity can be found on the link  below:



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