A Wedding in Primary 2

At the beginning of March we held a pretend wedding in an RME lesson. it was great fun!  We invited special guests and made lots of preparations to make the classroom look more like a church.  The bride travelled in a chauffeur driven car with her dad.  The minister read the service and the best man remembered the rings.  After we had sung a song and watched them sign the register we had photographs taken in the hall and got the chance to throw confetti over the bride and groom.  Then we went back for the reception with a designer wedding cake and dancing.  We sang Auld Lang Syne then the bride threw her bouquet over her shoulder at the end.

Here are our thoughts about the wedding:

“I liked handing out cake.” – Hallie.  “I liked driving the car.”- Logan  “I liked throwing the confetti it was great.” -Euan. “I learned how to behave at a wedding” – Mya. “I liked dancing and cake and being the minister.”- Ewen.  “I learned that sometimes you need some help in a wedding”- Miai.

World Maths Day and trip to Broxburn Academy

This week P6 went to Broxburn Academy to a Science and Technology Day. We all loved the ooze experiment best. It was really fun to play with because it was all slimy.  There were loads of activities like fizz pop rocket, learning about the heart and animal cells and plant cells.

We all were being responsible citizens because we ran the World Maths Day for the school.  We were each a representative for a class and helping them to log on and play games on the site.  You could play against other children across the world!

In maths some groups are learning division and others 2D and 3D shapes along with volume.

For art we have almost finished our massive Titanic.  We also are starting to draw our own Titanic on A6 paper. For homework we have to make 3D replicas of Titanic.  Some people have made them and brought them in already.  They all look super!

By Anna Dickov and Bayleigh Dickson

Our Weekly P5 Blog

This week P5 enjoyed golf with Mr Bett and we will look forward to another two sessions with him. Perhaps we have another Tiger Woods or Rory McIlroy amongst us! In PE we have enjoyed badminton with Mrs Pender and sadly it was our last week this week. We also learnt some new playground games so we can show all of the other classes in the playground.

Primary 3

Primary 3 have been researching about the pyramids this week and have also been learning some Egyptian dance moves! All the boys and girls enjoyed taking part in World Maths day and playing the games on the laptops. Our class assembly is now organised for the 21st of March, so we have made our invitations to be sent home.

Primary 4

We  went to a Bench Ball Festival on Monday it was awesome and we won some games.   Everyone in the class earned a certificate for being a Good Sport.  We also watched a bit of The Human Calculator .  He is a man who calculates big maths problems in his head!  We then tried this on Mrs Dugan (who wasn’t as good) and used a calculator to check her answers.   Next week we are looking forward to taking part in World Maths Day.   Thank you to Primary 6 for showing us how to log on and use the website.

Aimee , Millie and P4

Human Calculators!!

The best part of our week was taking part in a human calcluator activity on glow. Scott showed us fanatstic things in maths and how important the number 9 is!!  We even tried being human calculators in our maths group this morning when we were calcuating volume.

We also enjoyed using our decking area in the sunshine this week as a learning area!!!

Next week we are looking forward to World Maths day on Wednesday!!

P1m Reflective Learning


This week P1m made fairytale puppets. We chose our characters, then drew them and painted them. Once they were dry we cut them out and then stuck them on to a straw. Once they were finished, we made fairytales with them on the carpet.

Well done P1m – your puppets were amazing :)!


The most active players in the past week were:

Ross – P7

Bayleigh – P6

Zoe – P6

Cameron – P6

Dolce – P5

Well done everyone!

Keep practising your mental maths, you could be the next ‘Human Calculator’ !

Primary 2

We have been making 3D models using 2D shapes.  We made a cut half way through the middle of two rectangles to join them together to make the base.  Each individual shape was then added by simply making a small cut in the middle of one of the sides of the 2D shape and half way through the shape.  The shape was then simply placed on to the existing base by sliding the cut shape over any part of the model to create a design.  Here are some examples of our work.  Why not try making one at home? 

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