Is your child due to start school in August 2018?

The time has come for applications for parents/carers of nursery children moving onto P1 in August to complete application forms for places.  Please follow the link below for P1 Pupil Placement application forms.  Remember that all forms are to be completed online this year, unless you request a paper copy.  Applications must be submitted by 31st December 2017, even if your child is eligible for a deferral (Jan/Feb Birthday).  Deferrals will be looked at after Christmas.

Please let us know if you need any support with completing applications.

Is your child starting secondary school in August 2018?

The time has come for applications for parents/carers of P7 children moving onto secondary school in August 2018 to complete application forms for places.  Please follow the link below for S1 Pupil Placement application forms.  Remember that all forms are to be completed online this year, unless you request a paper copy.  Applications must be submitted by 31st December 2017.
Please let us know if you need any support with completing applications.

Welcome from Miss Burton

Dear Parents/Carers,

I would like to introduce myself to you as the new Acting Head Teacher of Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School and share a bit about myself along with the vision that I have for our school community. Firstly, I would like to begin by thanking the children, staff and parents for already making me feel so welcome. It was a great opportunity for me to be part of the recent inspection process, and Mr Eagleson has been a great support in helping me to get to know the school community.

welcome letter

Kind Regards,

Miss Burton

Dress Down Friday

Reminder that this Friday is the last Friday of the month.   It is also Mr Eagleson’s last day at PUSCPS.

Children may wear non-uniform.  No football colours.
£1 donation in aid of school funds is appreciated.
If you have a suggestion for a charity focus for next months’ dress down day, please let us know.

A Very Positive Inspection

Many thanks to everyone, pupils, staff and home for making last week’s HMIE Inspection a positive experience.

The inspection team left on Friday and we are very proud of the hard work of everyone.

The report on the inspection will be published after Christmas and we look forward to celebrating our successes and working on our next steps together.

Staffing Update

Unfortunately, Fiona Morrison, our PT, has had to begin her maternity leave a week early for health reasons.  We are sorry to see her go without a chance for a proper goodbye but we will see her soon and I’m sure you all join us in wishing her all the best.  We are very excited to hear the news in the next few weeks!

Next week Sarah Burton, the new acting HT, will be in school all week.  this is to provide support for the pupils and parents during the inspection with Miss Morrison’s absence.  It is also a great opportunity for Miss Burton to get to know all of our great pupils, families and staff better before formally taking up post on 27 November.

Morag Dickie, the new acting PT, will take up post next Monday (20th November) and I know she is very keen to get to know you all and get on with developing and supporting our ongoing work.

warm regards,

Steven Eagleson



Trampoline in the park beside school. 

You may not be aware but the upgrade of the park (Fraser Park) beside the school is underway.  A King Swing is in the process of installation and a trampoline was installed yesterday.

This is obviously great for our kids and very exciting to them, however it does have some potential risks which we all need to discuss with the children.

Before school this morning, a number of children were playing on the trampoline, and so did not come into the school grounds.  Please be aware that we are not responsible for pupils or their safety before they actually arrive at school.  Pupils need to report to breakfast club from 8:10 or to the playground from 8:30.  If pupils do not come to school but instead stop and play in the park en-route, we are making you aware that their safety and wellbeing remains the responsibility of home until they enter breakfast club or supervised playground.

We would not presume to tell you what is appropriate for your own children, however we would encourage you to discuss this with your children and ensure they understand what your expectations are for their route to school; coming direct to the school or if they are permitted to play en-route.   We all have the wellbeing of the children at heart and want them to be happy and safe.

warm regards,

Steven Eagleson

Our inspection starts on Monday

Our school Inspection starts on Monday and we’re excited to share our school with the team.  We have spoken to the children about what the inspection means using the powerpoint below.

Some of our pupils may be nervous or unsure of the process and, while we know it will be a positive experience for everyone, it may be useful for you at home to take some time and speak to pupils about what is going to happen.  I have included the Powerpoint here to help you with this.

We are emphasising with the children that their week of learning will continue the same as always, but that team members will be in and out of classes and will sit with them and ask about their learning, their experience of school and their opinions.  All they can do is be honest, open and respectful and they will do us all proud.

We will also be reinforcing our very high expectations of excellent behaviour and attitude to all pupils and would appreciate you reinforcing this at home too.

Steven Eagleson

PUSCPS what is inspection – powerpoint for pupils

Pupil Views

At Pumphie Pals last week we asked pupils to share what they think makes our school great and what they think we could improve on together.  The results have been organised below and they make for terrific reading.  Our pupils clearly love their school, and enjoy having a say in how we do things at PUSCPS.

Can you help?

As you know we are being inspected by HMIE next week.  It is extremely important for the inspection process that your views as parents are heard.  At present we have a very low number of parents available to speak to the team and I’m hoping we can encourage more of you to come forward to speak to the team about your school.

The meetings are planned for Tuesday 14th, probably one in the morning, one in the afternoon and we can add another meeting in the evening at 5pm if that is easier for you to attend.
If you can make the time, they will only last 45 minutes or so, we would really appreciate your support.  Please email the school office with your details and availability.
Many thanks,
Steven Eagleson
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