Glowing report for Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School

Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary School has been praised for its positive relationships between children and staff.

The school, received praise in a number of areas following a recent routine inspection by Education Scotland.

Inspectors highlighted a number of key strengths including the high quality, inclusive ethos which permeates the school, resulting in children, staff and stakeholders feeling valued and respected, the quality of the learning experiences in the nursery and the leadership of the headteacher in creating the conditions for staff to build on their strengths and take forward the agenda for school improvement.

The report also noted that the pupils are happy, confident and caring children who are eager to learn, they have a strong voice and contribute enthusiastically to bringing about change in their school.

Executive councillor for education, David Dodds, said: “This is a fantastic report for Pumpherston and Uphall Station Community Primary and everyone involved with the school should take great pride in their work. It is wonderful to hear of the inclusive ethos that is embodied throughout the school and the fact that pupils are so enthusiastically involved in school life. With this attitude I’m under no hesitation that the school will continue to thrive and achieve in the future.

Inspectors also recommended that the school continues to strengthen approaches to planning, tracking and monitoring to identify which interventions are having the greatest impact on outcomes for all children and raises attainment and achievement.

Acting Headteacher Sarah Burton added: “We are delighted to have received such a positive report and I have to commend all the staff here at the school for the fantastic work they put in on a daily basis to deliver for our pupils. The report is great testament to the work of my predecessor, Steven Eagleson who was headteacher at the time of the inspection and to the positive contribution of parents and the wider school community.

There are always areas to work on and I can assure parents and carers that every member of staff will continue to work towards providing pupils with the very best environment for learning. We always try to put the pupils at the heart of everything we do at the school, allowing them to partly shape their own learning and it is great to see the inspectors have acknowledged this.”

(Issued by media and communications officer Lewis Carr)

Survey for P1 parents/carers!

Further to our recent gifting event of Bookbug family bags in Primary 1, the Scottish Book Trust have asked if parents & carers of P1 children could take part in a short survey so that they can receive feedback on the bags. The survey should only take around 5-10 minutes of your time and there is the chance to win a bundle of books for your child! We would be very grateful if you could complete the survey, using the following link:

Scots Assembly

Letters went home today to let you know about our annual Scots Assembly, which takes place on Friday 26th January. This is a celebration of the role that grandparents and other older relatives and friends play in our children’s lives.  It is intended for older friends and relatives, who we would like to invite to come and join us.  Please return the tear-off slip from the letter by Monday 22nd January (limited to two tickets per family). Children will be auditioning in their classes during the course of this week and additional invites will be sent home for parents of those children selected to perform.


Christmas Service & Sing A Long

This morning we had a festive start to our day with our traditional Christmas Sing a long. The Green Gang organised a Christmas Jumper day and we all joined together to remember The Christmas Story. Rev. Povey also joined us to share the Christmas message.

We announced the winners of the Festive Home Learning task, which you will see below. A big well done to everyone who took part.

Thank you to our P7 narrators and to Mrs Campbell for organising the service. Also thank to all of you who could join us.


I would like to thank the children, staff and parents for all making me feel so welcome at PUSCPS. I hope you all have a lovely family Christmas together and I look forward to seeing all the children when we return to school in the New Year.

Miss Burton

Festive Homework Final Products

A big well done to everyone who took part in the festive home learning task, the results are amazing! It is fantastic to see the efforts families have went to to complete the task.

I have really enjoyed speaking to the children about how they made their designs and what they used. We will share the results at the Sing-a-long tomorrow.

Deputy First Minister’s Maths Challenge: P6

This week Primary 6 will receive the Deputy First Minister’s Maths Challenge.

All Primary 6 pupils across Scotland have been issued with the Deputy First Minister’s Maths Challenge. This is to provide some Christmas holiday maths family fun.

When you do complete one of the activities we would like you to share your answers with us on Twitter. To do this you need to create a Twitter account, take a photo of the completed activity and tweet it to us by typing @PUSCPS.

The solutions and workings will be published at on 4th January.

Good luck!


Christmas Holiday Maths Challenge

School Website

West Lothian Council are moving towards all school having the same front facing school website meaning there is a consistent approach across West Lothian. Our blog will still be our main method of sharing information, however this information will filter through the website.

During this change over you might notice some changes to our blog, sorry for any inconvenience. If you would like to see any changes to the information we share on the blog, please leave some comments on this blog post/ Facebook post.

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