Advice On Accessing Glow for P4-7

Please find below some information about glow and how you can support your child to use it at home:

School responsible use:

West Lothian Council Advice:

Scottish Government Advice:

Advice on how to access Glow apps:

Accessing Teams on Xbox:

Accessing Teams on Playstation:

Parentportal – How to register

What is is a new digital service to help replace the traditional school bag run, by providing direct communication to parents through a growing suite of online services, including information about a child’s education and the ability to complete transactions such as applying for placement requests or paying for school meals. Further services are being developed and will be added in the future. has been built to provide convenience, enabling parents to access information, update details and transact at a time that suits them.

How does it work?

To login to you need a myaccount, a service which enables you to access a range of Scottish public services online using one username and password. If you already have a myaccount, you can sign straight into

Once you have signed in to, you can then link your child to your account. After your child’s school approves the link, you will then be able to see information about your child and their school online. The school will update the calendar which can be accessed on There will also be additional services you can access, which will grow over time. Eventually you will be able to complete the annual data check, pay for school meals, pay for school trips, book a parents’ night appointment online by signing in once to Initially the services available will be limited.

How do I register for

If you already have a myaccount, you can sign in using your existing details. If you do not have a myaccount, go to the homepage and click on register. When registering for a myaccount for the first time, please make sure you register using your own details and not using your child’s name.

After you complete the registration process, you’ll be sent a one time use password by email. You can update this to something memorable when you sign in to your account for the first time.

Registering for a myaccount takes around five minutes.

I’ve tried to link my child to myaccount, but I can’t get beyond step 1 – it says the data does not match – what do I do?

To ensure a secure link to a child’s data, the information you have in your myaccount must match the information held in the school system (SEEMiS). If the information does not match you will see a screen saying “Unfortunately, the details you provided did not match the data held in our records. Please check again that the details you entered were correct, if they were, please contact your child’s school to make sure the details held in the school system (SEEMiS) are correct to enable a secure link to be made.”

Examples why the link failed – your name or address appear differently in the school system; you have entered the incorrect details for your child – did you use a nickname? did you provide the correct address for your child? Did you enter the correct year stage for your child? (P = Primary / S = Secondary). Did you enter a middlename for your child that the school does not hold on their record?

If you are sure the information you have in your myaccount matches which is held in the school system about you, please contact your child’s school directly.

Email and the office team can have a look at error and get back to you with a solution.


PUSCPS Christmas Countdown 2020

Please see below a list of the ways we hope to celebrate the festive period with our children. Staff and the Parent Partners have brainstormed ways we can safely celebrate in our class bubbles and raise some money for school funds (instead of our Christmas Fayre).
We would request that children come to school dressed for their class Christmas Celebration rather than go home at lunch time to change into their party clothes.
I am sure you will agree we have managed to still plan lots of exciting opportunities to celebrate this festive period and our Christmas trees have gone up today!
As always, thank you for your continued support!

Crossing Patrol Guide Absence

Good Morning / afternoon

Unfortunately due to the current level of crossing patrol guide staff absence/s we are experiencing at the moment we are unable to provide a crossing guide based at the location below


We would very much appreciate if you could advise the children and parents that there will be no guide at this location on Tuesday 24th November 2020.


We are doing everything possible to identify additional cover which will be communicated and actioned as soon as possible.



FM Services



Katherine Whalen

School Crossing Patrol Co-ordinator

01506 284655


Crossing Patrol Guide Absence

Good Morning / afternoon

Unfortunately due to the current level of crossing patrol guide staff absence/s we are experiencing at the moment we are unable to provide a crossing guide based at the location below:


We would very much appreciate if you could advise the children and parents that there will be no guide at this location on Monday 23rd November 2020

We are doing everything possible to identify additional cover which will be communicated and actioned as soon as possible.


FM Services






Katherine Whalen

School Crossing Patrol Co-ordinator

01506 284655


How do we teach writing?

In this video, one of our Literacy Champions, Miss McLaughlin, explains how we use a resource called PM Writing to support with the teaching of writing. All classes across the school use this process to ensure consistency and progression in learning.

West Lothian Sumdog Contest Starts Today!

Sumdog’s West Lothian Maths Contest is here! It finishes at 8pm on Thursday 19th November.Here are some things to keep in mind during the contest:

  • Students can play at any time.
  • For the score to count, the West Lothian Maths Contest activity must be showing in the green panel on the left of the student’s screen when they click to start each game.
  • Their scores are based on correct answers.
  • A class’s score is the average of the scores from all students from that class who take part.
  • To appear on the leaderboard, at least 10 students from a class need to play.

We still need a few more players in each class to join the leaderboard!

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