Election Day Arrangements Reminders

As you are aware Thursday 12th December  is an Election Day. Our school dinner hall is a voting station but our school and nursery will be open as normal.

Children attending Breakfast Club should enter through the main office and go into the gym hall.

School lunches that day will be green tray only (packed lunch) or children can bring their own packed lunch to school.


Parent Portal

Dear parent/ carer,

The letter below  was issued to all parents in June through groupcall from West Lothian Council. 50% of  our school families are now using this service.

It is important that ALL our families sign up to use this service for a number of reasons:

  • It the expectation from West Lothian Council that all families use this service unless you have no access to the internet.
  • You will complete the annual data check process electronically.
  • You can update your own as well as your child’s details at any time.
  • EE2 forms will be completed on this portal.

This will also improve communication between home and school, use less paper and protect our admin staff’s time (due to a reduction in hours).

The annual data check has been issued from West Council through Parent Portal.  We therefore request that you sign up as soon as possible, as it is essential that we have up to date information about your child and their emergency contact details.

We appreciate your support with this, and if you do have any issues or concerns please contact the school office on 01506 280995 or wlpuscps@westlothian.org.uk

Kind regards,

Miss Burton

Education Services

West Lothian Civic Centre

Howden South Road


EH54 6FF

Dear Parent/GuardianIn support of West Lothian Council’s ambition to transform communications between parents/carers we have been working with national partners to develop a “Parents Portal”.

The portal is designed to replace the ‘schoolbag run’, giving parents online access to a range of school-related services. At the heart of the system is a secure online account through mygov.scot which is referred to as a ‘My Account’, and this is already used in all West Lothian schools to enable parents to make online payments.

Initially, this new service will introduce basic information about your child’s school and will allow you to:-

  • link to your child
  • view school calendar
  • view your child’s class timetable (for pupils in secondary school)
  • view your child’s attendance
  • complete the annual data check process electronically
  • update your own as well as your child’s details at any time
  • access Parent Zone and MyWestLothian
  • access online school payments (iPayImpact)

As the product develops we look forward to seeing more services introduced including electronic permission slips and consent forms.

This is an exciting first phase of a new initiative which enables and creates a digital relationship between parents, pupils and schools.

For further information, guidance and access to parentsportal.scot, please click on the link below:-


On signing up to the portal, you will be able to link to your child and gain access to the above named services which are currently available. Please note this service is only available to Primary and Secondary children. In order to link to your child the data you provide during the sign up process must match the most up-to-date data that your child’s school holds.

We hope that parentsportal.scot and its services will become an integral part of you and your child’s school experience.

Yours sincerely

James Cameron

Head of Education (Learning, Policy and Resources

Election Day Arrangements

As you are aware Thursday 12th December  is an Election Day. Our school dinner hall is a voting station but our school and nursery will be open as normal.

Children attending Breakfast Club should enter through the main office and go into the gym hall.

School lunches that day will be green tray only (packed lunch) or children can bring their own packed lunch to school.


P1-3 Wriggly Nativity

The performance of PUSCPS P1 – P3 Christmas nativity, Wriggly Navitiy’ will take place on two dates this year, Wednesday 18th December at 9.45am and Thursday 19th December at 2.00pm.

P1 will perform the Nativity, P2 and P3 will be supporting the cast or singing in the choir.

The capacity of our hall is limited and we expect a large turnout for this. Tickets for the performance will be available from the school office on a two tickets per child per performance basis. Once numbers are known, further tickets may be released.

The cost of a ticket is £1.50. This includes a hot drink and a mince pie. Tickets will be available to purchase from the school office from Monday 25th November. Please put your order in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name and class.

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