Primary 1 – A new and exciting beginning!

Primary 1 had a great first day today.  They all settled well and were ready to begin their school  journey.  The children made lots of choices during our ‘Play and Learn’ times.  We read a story together and talked about the meanings of words and travelling safely.  The buddies were fantastic!  They came to the class to help the children get ready for both break time and lunch time and at the end of the school day.  At lunchtime the children  sat in the lunch hall and shared time with their buddy, returning to the playground for a run around and a time to explore.

After lunch the children returned to the classroom and we  investigated mark making using chalk boards, we developed our  scissor skills and  created a  ‘This is me on my first day at school’ line drawing .  At the end of the day we were joined by our buddies again who walked with us on our first Primary 1  Daily Mile around the school.  Well done!

Breich Neon Party

Today Breich celebrated receiving the most Dojos in Term 4 by having a Neon Party. Everyone dressed in neon clothes and we got glow bracelets. We danced, played games and had lots of brightly coloured food. Thanks to our House and Vice Captains for organising and to our P7 Young Leaders for helping.

Well done Breich!


P7 Leavers’ Assembly

This morning the whole school along with the P7 parents and carers celebrated our P7s. The children sang, danced and shared memories. They also had an awards ceremony receiving their mugs, certificates, high school tie, tablet and year book. Mr Povey came along and shared some words with the children and gave them each a bible.

Thanks to the Parent Partner Group and our staff for organising all the gifts for our Primary 7 children.

At the ceremony I reminded them of the messages from our NED Show:

  • Never give up!
  • Encourage others!
  • Do your best!

I also shared with them that I would like them to remember to ‘Be the difference!’ as they move to high school and into adulthood.

Thank you to all our partners who have worked wth Primary 7 over the years, it was lovely to see so many of you today, and it was great that Mr Eagleson could join us.

Everyone at Team PUSCPS would like to wish our Primary 7 children all the luck and happiness for their futures, and a thank you to their parents for the support they have given the school over the years.



P7 Leavers’ Celebration Disco

Last night we welcomed our Primary 7s to their Leavers’ Disco. The staffed clapped and cheered as they walked up the read carpet, meeting their parents for some refreshments and photos before the real fun began! There was dancing, games and yummy food!

Thank you so much to our Parent Parents Group for organising the Leavers’ Disco and for all the staff who came along to give the Primary 7s a great send off!

Responsible Roles – First Aid Training

Today Primary 6 received some First Aid training to support them with their new Responsible Roles in August. The training developed their awareness of First Aid issues in the playground and in real life. They now are more informed about the role of the PSW First Aiders in the playground.

Thank you to Stefan from Albacare who worked with our P6 pupils.

Peer Mediation Training

This week our Primary 6s went through Peer Mediation training with Amanda and Sarah from Scottish Mediation. They went through a range of activities exploring what mediation means and the processes that are involved in peer mediation.

Sarah and Amanda said:

”We had such a great time with the group of pupils, who were really focused on the task and a pleasure to work with …  you will have a great team of magic mediators. Both Amanda and I would like to thank yourself and your staff for helping us and making us fell very welcome over the two days.  Your school is a delight to work with.”

Some of P6 children will be Magical Mediators in the playground next session as part of our Responsible Roles programme.

Congratulations to Primary 6!

P6 Responsible Roles

As part of developing independence and responsibility with our senior pupils we are asking the Primary 6s as they enter into Primary 7 to apply for a Responsible Role in the playground. They will have the opportunity to apply for a post over the next week in class. Below is a description of the different jobs.

Calder Pyjama Party!

As Calder received the most Dojos last term, they requested a pyjama party. Jessica and Katie organised a range of games, pyjama corners, pass the pillow, stuff the pillow and bed sheet parachute games. We also had lots of nice treats for snacks. Thank you to all the Primary 7 Young Leaders who helped to organised the party.


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