P1 – Let’s all be Friends!

We are learning to … be confident and build good friendships through singing.

I can … talk about forgiving and friendship.

I can … perform for others.

I can … work together with my class.

Here is what P1 had to say about their ‘Rookie Rockstars’ week:

The songs were teaching us how to be friends.

We learned rock songs.

They were about happiness and sadness.

I liked when we were singing – Bullies are not cool!

I liked the penguin dance.

I liked putting our arms round each other and showing we are friends

I liked the song about not giving up, like in a race!

I liked challenge time when people rapped or had a marshmallow challenge!

We were recording our songs for a CD.

We are looking forward to dressing up for the concert!

Primary 2

What were we learning?

New songs about things like forgiveness, friendship and differences.

How will we know if we were successful?

  • We can listen carefully to the song instructions.
  • We can sing in a loud, clear voice.
  • We can perform the actions.

What did we do?

Chloe and Glyn have been working with us all week! We learned lots of different songs (‘I’m so Glad’, ‘Never Give Up’, ‘Bullies ain’t Big’, ‘Hey, Hey, I’m OK!’ and ‘Let’s all be Friends!’). These songs gave us lots of different messages, such as to be kind to others, to be forgiving, that it’s good to be us and to keep trying. They try to makes us more confident. Every day, there was a different challenge, including the ‘Chubby Bunny’ challenge and the Rap Battle wih Mrs Campbell and Miss Mulhern. Yesterday, we got to be like real rockstars and record our own CD! Next week, we even get to dress up and star in our own concert! We hope to see you there!

Check in with us next week to see what we are learning!

Until next time…
Primary 2 & Miss M 🙂

Rookie Rockstars – day 2!

The children are having lots of fun with the Rookie Rockstars. Today they learned another two songs, as part of the preparation for their concert next week and to record on their CD later this week. Today’s songs were “Bullies ain’t big” and “Hey, hey, I’m ok”. All classes have been busy designing a CD cover for the PUSCPS CD and the winner will be announced at the concert next week. In the meantime, here are a few photos from the fun today. Mrs Campbell and Miss Mulhearn took on the Rapbattle challenge against Katy and Sam, and they won! Well done to them all for taking part!

Rookie Rockstars!

As you will be aware, Rookie Rockstars will be coming to work with our children during the week beginning 30th April. They will be working towards helping the children to record their own CD.  Our pupils will also be given the opportunity to perform in a concert on the evening of 10th May. Rookie Rockstars have sent this letter with further information about the programme. Tickets for the concert will be on sale very soon. We hope you will be able to come along and support this event!

rookie letter 2


This morning at assembly we launched Emotion Works by looking at the emotion of happiness!

We first of all watched a clip about ‘joy’ from Inside Out.

Primary 6 helped us to understand different words for happiness.

Then we looked at how we feel and what triggers us to feel happiness.

We then watched a video that showed how we show happiness at PUSCPS, we also discussed how music and other people smiling can make us feel happy and smile. M

Mrs Dickie told us all about the Rockie Rockstars who are coming to work with us week beginning 30th April.

We finished our assembly with our Living our Values Certificates.

Easter Service

Today we invited Rev. Povey and our families along to our Easter Service.

Our brass players played some tunes for us.

P1-3 and P4-7 sang songs.

Primary 4 and Rev. Povey told us about the Easter Story.

We recognised the winners for the Spring Family Learning Task, and every child who took part got 3 Dojo points.

We gave out the West Lothian Competition Sumdog Awards.

Look at our presentation below to see our Spring family learning task entries.

A big thank you to Mrs Campbell and Mrs Dickie for organising the Service, and to the Rev. Povey for joining us. We all hope you have a lovely Easter holiday.

P5 Art Appreciation

Learning intention – to look closely at famous artists work and discuss our own views

Success criteria – I can respond to the work of an artist by discussing my own thoughts and feelings about it.

In response to ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch

Finlay – look at the background, it looks like they are in space or in a tunnel

Samantha – he is screaming because he is up high, on the bridge,  and he is scared of heights.

Kyle – it looks like a cliff is crumbling like in an earthquake.

Owen – it looks like a volcanic eruption with the colours.  I think the man is trying to get away from the other two men but his way is blocked that’s why he is screaming.

Amber – I think he is a scary person and the two other men are trying to get him and put him in prison.

The Scream

Primary 1 – World Book Day

We are learning to … read and listen to stories for enjoyment.

I can … take part in a story.

I can … retell stories in different ways.

I can … share likes and dislikes in stories.

As part of World Book Day, P1 heard lots of new stories and created lots of art and writing linked to them.  We had a big discussion about everything we did and what we thought about reading books.

What was your favourite story this week and why?

Harrison: Aliens love Underpants.  I liked making my own underpants!

Hannah: Blown Away.  I enjoyed making my own kite.  The story is about animals who are blown away on a kite.

Lewis: I enjoyed Aliens love Underpants.  My favourite part was when the aliens were dancing!

Jacob:  My favourite was Supertato.  The best part was when the carrot was stuck in the elevator.  I put eyes, masks, legs on different vegetables like celery and carrots.

Which story character did you dress up as this week?

Sophie:  I dressed up as Belle from my favourite book!

Jessica:  Anna from Frozen.

Christopher M & Christopher J: We were both Spiderman!

Kenzie:  I loved being a red Power Ranger!

Jacob and Mitzi – We were Horrid Henry.

What books do you like to read at home?

Corey:  I like fact books about sharks.

Iona: I like Frozen books

Danielle: I like interesting animal books or books about the seashore.  I have lots of different ones.

Hannah:  My favourite book book is Rapunzel.

Connor:   ‘The Back to Front Bat’ is my favourite.

Grace: I like scary stories.

Logan:  I like dinosaur stories.

Emma – Leigh: I like non-fiction books.

Ben:  I like Room on the Broom.

Leah:  I like Bat-girl stories and I dressed up has Bat-girl.

Ruraidh:  I like The BFG.

Christopher Pickwell:  My favourite story is Who’s in the Loo?  It’s a funny story!

Can you spot us all below?

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