Primary 5 DYW challenge

The digital learning/DYW challenge this week was very engaging for our class.  The task was to create a new digital character for a game, either a new game or one that is currently on the market.  As many of our class are interested in careers in gaming, it was a great challenge.  We discussed what we liked about characters in games and then decided if we wanted to work alone or in a small group.

We were using lots of different skills in this challenge that will be important for us in the future when we are working.

We used teamwork, discussion, negotiating, literacy, creativity and  IT skills.  We also had to learn to use new programmes to create the digital image.

Once we had decided on our character, named it, designed it, gave it super powers and agreed what its personality would be like we then had to think of what the characters back story would be – this was lots of fun.

Mrs Andison was impressed at the literacy skills we were using to describe our characters as well as the creativity of our designs.

Thanks to Miss Burton for setting this challenge.

Primary 5 Digital Learning week

This week we have been using our digital expertise to research in Science and Maths.

We have been learning what the benefits of renewable energy sources are

We found out that they are cleaner for the environment, they create jobs, save money, don’t add to greenhouse gas emissions, won’t run out and make us less reliant on other countries to supply us with oil.

We have been investigating different types of triangles and their properties.

We learned that equilateral and isosceles triangles are the most commonly used triangles in engineering (Murron).  We also found out that the triangle is the strongest shape and that is why it’s used in bridges and buildings (Owen and Liam).


Primary 5 STEM learning

Our STEM topic this term is to design and create a new healthy dish for school lunches.  We have been learning about Scottish and local produce.  We have interviewed staff from the lunch hall to find out the most popular types of lunches as well as collecting data from all the classes in school.  We are using this information to help us design new dishes.

Learning Intention

We are learning to design a new, healthy school lunch dish with Scottish produce.

Success Criteria

I can use Scottish/local produce in my design

I can use my knowledge of healthy foods to help me in my design

I can make my dish interesting

We have been researching ingredients and different produce found locally/around Scotland – we even found chillies being grown in Dumfries.  All the children are really keen to test their dishes to see how they taste.  I can’t wait either.

Mrs Andison and P5

P5 Art Appreciation

Learning intention – to look closely at famous artists work and discuss our own views

Success criteria – I can respond to the work of an artist by discussing my own thoughts and feelings about it.

In response to ‘The Scream’ by Edvard Munch

Finlay – look at the background, it looks like they are in space or in a tunnel

Samantha – he is screaming because he is up high, on the bridge,  and he is scared of heights.

Kyle – it looks like a cliff is crumbling like in an earthquake.

Owen – it looks like a volcanic eruption with the colours.  I think the man is trying to get away from the other two men but his way is blocked that’s why he is screaming.

Amber – I think he is a scary person and the two other men are trying to get him and put him in prison.

The Scream

Primary 5 Snow day!

Hope you are all enjoying the snow.  If you get bored of the snow, can’t get out or are too cold, here are some ideas for you to do today.

As we are missing our Pumphie book day you could design a new cover for a favourite book – remember to include the title, author and illustrator(you).  You could also write your own blurb for the back of the cover.

Create a new dance to a favourite song or piece of music.

Watch a film and write a review of it.

Write a Snow day adventure story or cartoon strip.

Go on Sumdog and do some Maths or Literacy games.

Learn a new table and make up a game to play with it – snap or pairs.

Bake a cake or help make some soup if you are allowed.

Draw or paint a snow scene.

Anything you do and want to share you can bring it in to school and we will show the rest of  the class.

You can post photos of you having fun in the snow or any other activity you do today. I’d love to see them. Have fun!

Mrs Andison



P5 Scottish inventors

We were learning to find information, make notes and use the notes to create a new text as well as learning about different Scottish inventors.

To show this we had to use the internet and books to research the inventors.  We made notes and organise them under suitable headings as well as using our notes to create posters in small groups.

We made colourful posters to show the rest of the class what we have learned – Amen

I enjoyed doing the research on the inventors – Amber

I knew that Scottish inventors made important things – Hayden

I liked learning about the inventions that the inventors made and seeing how they have changed – Jay

I ‘ve learned that the Scottish inventors made life easier for us – Samantha

We have all really enjoyed our research.

Primary 2/3 Learning

Well another busy week here in P2/3 with lots of different activities going on.

Oskars -Primary 2s are still enjoying Futsal which teaches us different football skills.

Summer – P3s are looking forward to going on a trip on Monday to a Highland Games event.

Darcy – In Art we have been learning about watercolours and have been painting our own watercolour backgrounds.

Abbie – We looked at some of Claude Monet’s watercolours to get some ideas.

Maja – In Science we learned more about the watercycle.

Next week we are looking forward to seeing the production of The Jungle Book in school.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs Andison and Primary 2/3

Primary 2/3 Learning

Well another lovely week has come to an end and we have been enjoying the good weather.

Today we beat last weeks time for our Daily Mile Challenge – we ran it in thirteen minutes, knocking three minutes off last week.

Maja – We have had a busy week with us all completing our CEM assessment. Some of us are happy it is over and some of us enjoyed it.

Bailey – We are still enjoying playing in the class sweet shop more often. Its great because we can use our times tables and adding and taking away money.

Gillon – I’m getting better at my 5x table using Table Mountain.

Summer – We have been learning about the water cycle in Science.

Daniel – Primary threes have begun to learn about the human body, the main organs and how they work.

Calum – I’m getting better at division because I know my 2x table better.

We hope we don’t get too much rain this weekend. Have a great one.

Mrs Andison and P2/3

Primary 2/3 Learning

We have had a very busy week this week with lots going on inside and outside.

Daniel – we started our Daily Mile challenge today and we are trying to beat our time each Friday.

Rosa – We all got to meet our new teacher and spend time with them.

Aaron – The P2s  got to see their class Dojo that they will use in next year in class to record points. A Dojo is a little monster character and each one is different and we get to name them.

Maja – We have been sketching and painting giant tropical fish in Art for the P7 Prom and our beach disco.

Jake – P2s started Footsal and are enjoying it so far.

Calum – We have begun learning division in Maths.

Summer – We have also been learning how to make larger amounts with coins and using our times tables in the class shop.

Josh – We are going to get a new member in our class from Monday.  We are looking forward to meeting her.

The weather has been fantastic and we have been taking our learning outside as much as possible.  Please remember to either put sun cream on your child or give them it in their bag to use as well as  a bottle of water and a hat.

Mathew – I’m really looking forward to going on my holiday to Spain at the weekend.  I will love it.

We wish you and your family a great holiday with lots of sunshine – we hope we get some too.



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