P4 Online Learning Week Beginning 11.01.21

Happy New Year!

Welcome back. I hope you have all had a great time over the holidays. Here is your timetable for online learning for this week. Please do what you can.

When you have finished your work log in to Teams

Go to P4 Class Team 2020 / 2021

Click on Home Learning Choice boards

Select Term 3 folder

Click on this folder to find your individual work folders.

Have a great week!


P.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube

Spelling – 3 activities from the spelling grid


Interdisciplinary Learning

Mrs Mooney in school




Health and Wellbeing

Mrs Mooney in school


P.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube



IDL (Scots topic)

Video lesson at 11.00 am




Health and Wellbeing

Video lesson at 11.00 am


P.E. Joe Wicks 9.00 am YouTube

Free Writing


Together Time Activity

Daily activities also include:

  • Check in using the link in the files section of the HWB Channel.
  • Sumdog Maths contest
  • IDL if you have a login for 30 minutes

Primary 4 – Christmas Crafts

As you will know, we will not be having our Christmas Fair this year to raise much needed school funds.  However, Primary 4 have been busy making their Christmas crafts ready to bring home on the 10th of December for a small donation.  Many thanks in advance for your continued support.






Primary 4

Primary 4 have been making links between multiplication and division by using trio tricks to write multiplication and division fact families.  They have also been attempting real life math problems as an extension task and on Friday they did their click challenge to use their numeracy skills to  complete a variety of questions.

P4 Learning and Halloween Celebration

As part of our book study topic, P4 have been comparing and contrasting poetry by Roald Dahl and William Shakespeare to identify onomatopoeia, alliteration, rhyming patterns and repetition.

They have used this to write an original poem to include these literacy techniques.

On Friday P4 also celebrated Halloween by dressing up and watching Halloween cartoons with their treat.  As an activity they created bat book marks.

P4 Maths Week Scotland

Primary 4 have been looking at position by using grid references to locate places on a map of the local area.  We then took our learning outside to create maps using keys to show the position of specific areas and items.

P4 Local Community IDL

As part of our Local Community IDL topic we have been exploring mapping and grid references.  We used Google maps to find out about the local area and highlighted how land has been used on a map of the local area.  Today we went outside to work on shape, position and movement.  We used positional language to give and follow instructions about how to move to a specific place on the grid.

Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading challenge has gone digital this year to ensure children can still take part even though they’re unable to visit our libraries just now. Here are some details of this year’s challenge and information on how to join in:

Join the #SillySquad2020  by signing up at sillysquad.org.uk

Check out your West Lothian libraries webpage https://bit.ly/WLlibrariesSRC2020 and search for books you can borrow from us at https://bit.ly/BBoxChildren


P4 – P7 Learning week beg 25th May – 29th May 2020

Below is the timetable for the learning for this week for P4-7.  These are the core learning activities from your teachers.  Miss Burton may also post additional learning opportunities – these are optional.  Please remember to go on Sumdog to complete the challenges set by your teacher as they are part of your learning for the week.

Remember to check the timetable carefully to see what day and time you have a class session on teams.  We are all looking forward to it!

Have a great week!


Spelling – do 3 activities from the grid or activities from teacher


Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube 9am daily), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school


Interdisciplinary Learning/Topic

Literacy e.g. grammar/punctuation

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school




Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

P5: Teams meeting with Mrs Campbell at 2.30 pm

P7: Teams meeting with Mrs Andison at 1.00 pm


Health or Topic


Plus: PE from Joe Wicks (YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

P4: Teams meeting with Mrs Mooney at 10.00 am



Writing – Free writing activity

Plus: PE from Joe Wicks(YouTube), Duolingo app for French and weekly Sumdog challenges for Maths and Reading

Continue IDL spelling if you normally do this in school

P6:  Teams meeting with Miss McLaughlin at 11.00 am

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